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Everything posted by kanny

  1. no sorry i only have the one front piece and thats staying on the gun heres the one on ebay i seen it was £62.50 with £10 post making it £72.50. as ive said to one guy on pm im a cabinet maker and for the right deal im prepared to get the stock professionally resprayed in our spray shop so it will be like new http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/260939321100?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 kanny
  2. as far as i know the front bit is the standard stock that comes on the gun. kanny
  3. keep it as it is i say... i aint got nothing to hide.... Hi ian b i remember u from the old moochers think i was jakey on there kanny
  4. i have a s200 match stock sitting around here one just sold on the bay for £62.50 plus £10 postage making it £72.50 i will take £50 or will swap for a decentish gun lamp/battery set up.for the right deal im prepared to get the stock professionally resprayed in our spray shop so it will be like new. ive changed the picture as the last one was with flash and didnt do the stock justice. THIS SALE IS FOR THE REAR STOCK ONLY IF YOUR LOOKING AT CHANGING YOUR GUN FROM A ONE PIECE TO THE TWO PEICE THEN THIS AINT FOR YOU HOWEVER IF YOU OWN A TWO PIECE S200 WITH THE STANDARD STOCK THEN THIS IS THE
  5. nice bit of kit there bud ive jus been looking at a ns50 for rabbit on my permision. what kind of battery life do you get from these units on full wack? kanny
  6. i would say well shot single shot wild meat is the best. if you got yourself a good customer base then you could turn a few quid for sure you would have to bare in mind the season thing
  7. could someone tell me whats the diffrence between a cpc and a pcp im new 2 pre charged ?
  8. a big hello 2 all who know me and all who dont my dogs have long gone but my passion hasnt ive just started air gunning again and loving it. kanny
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