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Everything posted by kanny

  1. one of the the best vids ive seen for anticipation... i ended up watching from behind a cusion what a loon
  2. kanny


    old school would consider a nice hw77k custom carved cheek piece stock
  3. as the cover grows back to the new fence it should fill in most the gaps leaving fewer spots for the rabbits to come through and giving you better stake out points. as you said its new permision you have just got to learn the ground... you will suss it kanny
  4. kanny


    tempting but not realy what im after ... thanks for the offer kanny
  5. its not looking good then any more? kanny
  6. kanny


    sorry bud im realy after another pcp but thanks anyway kanny
  7. does it not un balance the gun? like that stock jaspa v.nice kanny
  8. At least you got a shot of bud! i went out last night for a spot of lamping on the rabbits and didnt see a thing. mind you the cloud cover moved leaving a nice bright moon so that didnt help but on the plus side me and my lad sat and watched a badger 10yrds away routing about for 10 mins it didnt seem to give a fek that we was there with a lamp on him.it made the trip worth it as its the first time my boys seen one and it was just good to get out the house for a couple of hours. kanny
  9. ive got the chance of getting my hands on a logun axsor ive had a feel of the gun and it suits me fine and feels great and fits me much better than the s200 as im 6ft2 so im just wondering if any of you lot have had any experience of this gun and any pit falls with it. kanny
  10. funny how thow this topic is pike and zander and were talking about perch and zander use to be called the pike perch im confused now
  11. nice fish there bud i was piking mad when was a kid my biggest on rod and line was 21lb on a float and sprat but had much bigger out the feeder streams with a broom handle and snare wrong i know but things you do when you a kid eh? never had a zander wasnt to many about then but wouldent mind a crack at one now.i also had a mad spell on pearch my biggest was 3lb 8 on a devon minnow that i made out a old wagler and a trace i made it coz none of the tackle shops round me did any small enough for my needs and there was no internet so you just had to get creative i was very proud of it kann
  12. i use to sell tattys door to to door a few year ago we got reject tattys at a quid a 55lb bag and sell them round the council estates at £3.50 they couldent get enough of them could shift a 100 bags a day so it worked out a nice little earner but money isnt every thing now inm a cabinet maker i get paid alot less but my job and life is much more satisfying. kanny
  13. theres a hole in my shoe and its letting in water....letting in water!
  14. our family business was a maggot farm so because my mum worked the weekened as a mental health nurse i woud go to work with my dad this could be pritty boring so i would just go of and explore i soon started to notice the rats so i knicked my brothers gat gun and for weeks tried to shoot one i never did get one with it .then one weekend i went to work with the old man he said go and look in the office theres somthing for you and there it was a old relum tornado that he had got of one of his mates but to me it was the bees knees after a few pratice shots at a dead pig i went on the hunt i naile
  15. it would never stick council would wriggle out of it :laugh: at least they would have shite on there face
  16. but its within the law that you could slip over on a dog turd and sue your council for not cleaning it up
  17. viva la revolution!!!!
  18. and how come your dog cant crap on a road and a horse can or can it? i dont see how they can do one and not the other kanny
  19. i had a fine a couple of years ago £75 for chucking a fag end out my car... anyway i point blank refused to pay .it went on for a couple of months and the kept adding more cost but in the end they conceded defeat so yeah i guess some laws are not law. not that i condone littering but they use thes bullcrap fines as just another way to screw us. kanny
  20. the one with the most heart
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