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Everything posted by kanny

  1. Thanks Kanny ,the range were 50 yards approx the two that got away were at 60 to 65 yard ,thinking of using lighter pellets for better trajectory 14.3g pellet is 860 on this gun what do you think .The gun is giving tight groupings at 50 yard with almost all the pellets i tried even the gamo pellets were doing well. im no expert on the higher power air guns but wont the lighter pellets become abit unstable with that much power behind them? nice shooting by the way I am thinking of lighter pellet for flat trajectory at max zoom ,right now my gun is zero at 40 yard with jsb 16g bu
  2. i like them but you made a right pigs arse of the 6th one
  3. Thanks Kanny ,the range were 50 yards approx the two that got away were at 60 to 65 yard ,thinking of using lighter pellets for better trajectory 14.3g pellet is 860 on this gun what do you think .The gun is giving tight groupings at 50 yard with almost all the pellets i tried even the gamo pellets were doing well. im no expert on the higher power air guns but wont the lighter pellets become abit unstable with that much power behind them? nice shooting by the way
  4. good result i was looking at the jsb,s also i think i might give them a try what kind of range was you getting the doves at?
  5. thats some going there bud
  6. kanny


    that was a trip man
  7. thats a good idea i will do that .... i can see more badgers than rabbits some nights round me and they aint shy either... now the corn is up i only have a two to three foot corridor between the hedgerow and the corn theres plenty of rabbits but its not easy.. i envy these lads with nice short paddocks to shoot
  8. didnt record the shot it was a unrested standing shot so i had enough on my plate to do but got some good footage of the badgers but until i get the leads ect i need to get it of the camera on to the laptop im stuffed, also didnt think it was a great idea to put footage of the badgers up with the cross hairs it could be taken the wrong way
  9. I had the first proper in the feild test run with the cam and home made ir laser last night and it worked a treat i bagged this big boy at around the 30yrd mark clear as day could have had a few kits but left em be. then sat down to watch some badgers for a while before calling it a night im well happy with it so far its still looking abit ghetto but it works a treat.. with all the rain the corn has shot up so im going to be very limited on my permision until the harvest... i cant wait besides it gives me plenty of time to tidy the system up .
  10. i will do it no problem ... but funny how things turn around when the hunting with dogs ban was being pushed here i went round all the angling sites looking for support trying to explain to them that its a slippery slope once one feild sport was abolished more would follow unless we all stood united ... i was basically told to fek of they didnt want there sport associated with ours
  11. :laugh: i must admit ive been all over the world and ate a variety of narly things but rook just dont appeal to me
  12. im hungry now i would had had one for breakfast when you got in on some toast with mushrooms .... scrum
  13. Yup i agree ive said this before in the airgun furum we pay well over the odds in this country for our shooting and sporting goods .. look at the prices of airguns your looking at a grand for a new decent pcp setup ... its ridiculous kids must have to much money now days one of my first rifles was 4 quid and me and my mate went halfs 2 quid each! and shared it
  14. i was planning on going for my SGC soon looks like i best get the ball rolling sooner rather than later
  15. fancy a nice HDsony handycam for it?
  16. there nothing worse matei feel for you ... i use to do alot of motocross when i was younger i would go miles out the way on the green lanes and tracks and every now and then i would have a seize on the piston or some other termanal malfunction... would mean a long walk home across rough ground pushing a heavy bike ... nothing like that feeling when you make it home
  17. Yeah not bad i dont think and for less than 20 quid!
  18. heres a sample of my efforts thus far with the camcorder and homemade ir laser http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/246574-more-fine-tunning-of-the-ir-laser/
  19. i did a bit more work on the ir laser ive put together last night and i shot this short vid out my bedroom window in the back feild i estimate these ducks to be around the 100yrd mark and the telegraph poles 150yrd plus so im quite pleased with my efforts thus far... once again ive had to video this of my tv on to my phone so theres a loss in quality... however not for much longer as ive orderd some av capture stuff that should be here soon. please let me know your thoughts its all new to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7ddeXmDjmM
  20. It should go up to 28ftlbs i think im not sure what that is in fps but your shot count is going to be low with that cylinder. these guns love the prometheus defiants your going to want the fac 5.52mm 18gr i think... this is mine but sub 12
  21. ok you guys seem to be talking about a pointer type laser the one ive built is a 300mw 808nm laser simlar to the night hunter ir300 it has a wide feild of veiw on flood and can be focused also. i use it somewhere inbetween the two so my scope veiw is always full just like looking through a dedicated night scope . but because of the magnifications of the camera and the scope its easy to loose track of the distances i can understand now why people didnt beleave that the fox in zini's review of the night hunter digi add on wasnt 200yrd when infact it was..and because im not static hunting my refr
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