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Everything posted by atomlab

  1. i stand as if i was shooting a rifle and never found any difference shooting left or to the right in the same stance as the catapult and anchor point stay the same
  2. no what im saying is that those catties on that website are not fit for purpose they are nothing more than toys at best . what would you class as not a toy?
  3. canting the forks and ammo not centered/sloppy release has more to do with fork hits than twisting the pouch. best keep the twist and tweak for pfs
  4. could of been a lot worse considering your using hexnuts, super glue will sort that out .. just put a few drops on and let it dry (naturally or itl turn white ) and repeat to build up the shape then you can sand to keep the scollop shape.
  5. skip to 4.15 this may help http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toq2XxmyHsE
  6. looks good , how you findin them 105s compared to theraband?. i tried 107s but not very smooth to draw compared to theraband
  7. dont use 8 mm steel with double tbg it'll kill you bands
  8. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=milbro+catapult+flatband&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=nv73Uqr8FuWX7QbCoYC4AQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1400&bih=949#q=milbro%20catapult&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=TTpnUO8Ce-O_iM%253A%3BdiDpx1H8tn15ZM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi1317.photobucket.com%252Falbums%252Ft627%252Furbanfox1234%252FIMAG0204_zps6ea45545.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bushcraftuk.com%252Fforum%252Fshowthread.php%253Ft%253D107915%3B682%3B1024
  9. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/233657-milbro-catty-question/ just make sure inside the hole is really smooth( sand paper cut into thin strips works well)
  10. 1745 tubes are good but depends what ammo your using
  11. 45 sec/1min or until it starts steaming then take it out and let it cool, then repeat until theres no steam comes off it. then i normally put it the boiler cupboard for a few days .
  12. good tutorial interesting to see how others make naturals from start to finish
  13. iv got a standard bsa spring for 1.77 meteor, its yours if you want it
  14. prob best just to fit a standard spring for the gun , plus the triggers on meteors are hard enough to pull to start with
  15. press down evenly with a strong /ridged ruler or straight edge , use a new Stanley blade and lube with rubbing alcohol so the blade doesn't stick (just make sure you cut it in one pass )
  16. I used to shoot 3/4 butterfly but now use a cheek anchor point , holding the catty sideways(TTF) I use the centre of the bands as a aim point and adjust for holdover /under keeping anchor point the same
  17. looks a dam site easier than melting hdpe,you got any links where to buy it
  18. started makin this pistol hammer grip catty but never got round to finishing it, plus its abit too heavy for my liking
  19. just trace the template off your monitor, dont press to hard mind or yourl have permanent templates on your screen
  20. not at all mate , its just im not a big fan of muslims lol
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