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Everything posted by atomlab

  1. like all them all ,but the first ones very nice.
  2. thanks lads . @ poacher o note sure mate as it takes so long with just hand tools
  3. cheers lads you should make one, alloy from here.http://stores.ebay.co.uk/thebitsandpiecesplace?_trksid=p2047675.l2563 bike wheel spokes for the pins. all you need is a drill /coping saw/few files and patience of a saint
  4. just finished this tonight sps style without the quick change slots ,8mm alloy core /antler scales and glow in the dark powder. and it was a total pain in the arse to make .
  5. i dont like it , think it would look a little better like this
  6. looks good gaffer , the 2 bought of you about a year ago for my staffys are still like brand new
  7. you might find a few here https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=slingshotforum.com+templates&espv=2&biw=1400&bih=949&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=gfJUVPDHHcbLPczFgcgI&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=slingshotforu m.com+pdf+templates and here http://slingshotforum.com/forum/27-templates-support-topics/
  8. iv used a heat gun a few times with good results.
  9. done about 25% of mine as i had to start again , but should be done by next week.
  10. could you post the dimensions of these ,fork gap etc
  11. It is mate ye. Its a work in progress lol looks good ,liking the longer handle
  12. spot on them, ill have to try that . if i knew how . could you post info how you made them?
  13. i was jst thinking of something like thise before i took the dogs out. great minds think alike eh good idea . I'm in
  14. i would say there too small unless you like pfs size catapults. http://slingshotforum.com/topic/16394-dankung-luck-ring-slingshot/ http://slingshotforum.com/topic/15485-dankung-luck-rings-1-sky-rat-0/
  15. i cut the shape out with a jigsaw then round the edges using strips of 60 grit sandpaper.
  16. pvc drainage pipe is good and free too , just cut off the size you need , put in the oven @150 c for 15 min then clamp flat.
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