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Everything posted by atomlab

  1. I just make a template from a milk carton then cut with a rotary cutter and for the holes I use a paper hole punch. if you have a go at making your own pouches make sure you cut the leather in the direction that it stretches the least.
  2. http://www.wilko.com/multi-purpose-cleaners/lord-sheraton-caretaker-wood-balsam-original-75ml/invt/0168718
  3. thera band changed their formula a while ago. it used to be a little thicker and in slightly wider rolls.
  4. is that not for the older thicker thera band?, the new stuff is thinner.
  5. only place iv seen it is http://simple-shot.com/diy/bulk-pure-latex-sheet-1/
  6. atomlab


    been vaping about 4/5 months. n22 rda dark horse rda. derringer rda. kanger subtank . homemade duel 18650 box mod. 18650 mechanical mod. and efest 18650 35 amp batterys. [/url]">http://http://s1138.photobucket.com/user/atom36/media/DSCN0072.jpg.html'>
  7. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=slingshotforum.com+looped+tubes&espv=2&biw=1680&bih=949&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=WkZHVcimF9fhauPfgYgN&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#imgrc=nun2uSY8E_JcnM%253A%3BhgGqEuBc-J010M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi66.photobucket.com%252Falbums%252Fh246%252Fkybowtye%252Fslingshot%252Fd62a1264.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fslingshotforum.com%252Ftopic%252F13224-1842-looped-tube-bandsets%252F%3B640%3B384
  8. linatex is a natural rubber, neo/neoprene is synthetic.
  9. yes, even better if you concave the fork tips.
  10. it can produce more power than an air rifle never mind an air pistol.
  11. i like the look of that one better than the larger starship he makes. does it have bearings in the rh?
  12. yeah it will increase the power if you loop them, attach as you would flatbands https://twitter.com/slingshot_forum/status/544263642926288896
  13. he has a website. http://hegartyslings.com/
  14. prob the best grouping at ten meters iv seen .
  15. still a dam good shot at that range tho. and he does say those are lucky shots.
  16. german shooter . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btlVgaLQDgc
  17. was it not one of his prototypes ?
  18. How do you prefer to shoot small ammo like that Atom? because i shoot full butterfly(150cm draw legnth) 95% of the time and you can have a really light draw weight but still have plenty of penetration and speed.
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