seen molly run a number of times as a young bitch very very good killer her sister bonny was going to be a very good bitch but hit a fallen branch up on new york fen which finished her shame reallely ,,,
dogs done very well john this time of the year .did you get any on camara mate //hope he stay injury free till jack match he will do you proud me thinks safe journey home mate speak to you on other chanel lol
sorry to hear about your dad [bANNED TEXT] hope the bitch turns up ,., ad be back down tomora on them fields all rund dykes and farms and local village just for your peace of mind pal goood luck av lost them before and found them good luck mate jim
a was wishing u well omc with the young stock ,,and when the bunnies pick up .,.,.there one or 3 good youngsters about mate roberto s dog jockeys bitch and couple of lads off hear are running you know there chase x maggie bred best of luck to the boys they take the risks //like most men i jae b turbos do sumtimes blow but takes a great dog to do 3 s 4s in winter round black land i had permision there for years till old bill got me thrown off wankers !!
am from not far away from there .,.al keep my ear to the ground mt see if anyone cherps up///picture wud of helped but a know what the mans saying hope you find her owner