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the duke3

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Everything posted by the duke3

  1. 14 month 1 december ,,,tommygun
  2. i thought so but wernt 100 percent goldfinch chears mush ....
  3. been like that for many o year ,,,dont like the job it happens on my permision every year killed most of the hare and other big game like the fella says it spoils it for all the other hunters and farmers hate the with a passion ... you carnt be there all the time ...
  4. two nice animals there boys a lad i know owend posh and he rated her as one of the best hes had so speackes volumes ,,the dogs got some chest on him how was he bred all the best with them pal if i was after a pup i would gladdly try to buy one ,,
  5. thought so ,,seagul stuff for sure
  6. like the wooly one hows it bred mate
  7. the police and countyfile tell and broadcast this utter load of lies to the public to make us all criminals in the publics eyes brainwashing people ,,there as allways been law abiding hare courses who put time money into gaining permision ,,this law has made us all look like we are criminals so as said before they wont stop people taking part in something they have done all there lives atb keep on hunting just like the fox hunters they contiue regardless off any stupid laws ,,,,
  8. as regaurds match dogs,,,laddie was some dog to match and produce match stuff ...... dogs around in resent years barneydone real well but had a good very clever slipper knowing his dog and knowing his land just as well rosie done realy well in recent years before the ban came in ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lucky would av won a lot more money matches if his owner had wanted of course foxy was a very class bitch and there again her owner new the fen like his back field and a great conditioner of a dog also the gaskins have had some top c
  9. great pics as allways ,,reaping the rewards ,,,good luck the rest of the season
  10. bitch looks well mate ,,,best of luck wif pups aswell ,,,
  11. a hear tonys going to pick sonny up tomora glad for you mate hope dogs not to bad shape
  12. lucky could kill anywhere mate beleave me
  13. think its a bit warm round there lads have ad a few tuggs round that area be careful boys
  14. irish eyes wer smilling [BANNED TEXT] he touched down in the emerald ilse...they say lucky was a good dog liked to have seen him myself
  15. tell the black ####'to do one get some real crims
  16. look the part but its on the field that counts ,as we all know
  17. did mac av any photos of his pup might help matters along a bit,,feel shit for mac ,,,,atb finding pup pal jim
  18. suppose to be killing stuff now for him ,,,may not need the 4th leg lol
  19. hope mac get his dog back all that breeding and effot put in by him ,, and some c**t just takes his pride and joy hope he gets him back miles ,,,any pics
  20. dont think it shud av been put up on site mate ,,,boozers a big lad hes got marcus number ,,has he had pup from 6 weeks or has he bought it in ,,,probs be injured buy running on hard ground bad dogsmanship if you ask me ,,i know the pups are just coming up a year so.........
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