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Everything posted by kpr1969

  1. Just like to thank DavyT63 for putting me onto my TwinkII silencer for my Scorpion... what an excellent piece of kit, and a really nice fella to do business with, paid Saturday morning arrived Monday thorough recommendation all round. If your after one he's the man. Cheers Davy
  2. Thanks Chris, I've just left an email for them telling them I had seen them recommended on this thread. Its difficult to call during work hours but I've left my contact details Thanks Si, watched all of those and they explain the ins an outs of the SR12 ret brilliantly...fingers crossed I can get one forthe Scorpion...
  3. Hello Mole, it was late last night/early this morning when I found this thread, so calling wasn't an option, site has a current offers tab but wont let me click on it and earlier in the thread it was stated all of the offers weren't shown. Just thought I would enquire as its difficult to make calls during shop hours in my job. I'll try at the weekend. Missed one on ebay at the weekend that came with lens covers and weaver mounts and still awaiting reply to emails to the seller The search will go on... I'll try bell Redbeck over the weekend. Thanks
  4. any of the redbeck regular customers know if they are still doing these sr12 scopes with the discount?
  5. Yeah but the 1st couple of mags = 20 and the last 2 or 3 mags when the pellets are dropping and dropping so eventually your on 1.5 milldots or more holdover at 25 yards, that's approaching 50 pellets that are not hitting what I'm aiming for ... isn't 90+ shots hitting what I'm looking at better than that?
  6. http://sandhallairrifleklub.webs.com/ not had a chance to get down there yet but looks good.
  7. thats brilliant, thank you so much have pm'd you for some contact details
  8. in the Manchester/Stockport area.... sooner the better. Thanks
  9. I did a good pull through an put about 25 mags through it the other day, it had been filled during my previous plink session, (My garden is exactly 25yards so thats my zero), and had about 5 mags through so it was probably at mid sweet spot. As i racked up the mags I could noticably see the pellets dropping down to what in the end was about 2 inches below zero so I gave it a fill... I've been filling to 190 as advised by the previous owner...and then firing a mag or 2 and just checking where they were hitting, some of these pellets are dropping or going high by a good 6 inches, after a few ma
  10. so the only person fitting regs to scorpions is XTX? really?
  11. I have a scorpion T10 and when its on, its amazing but its just not consistant... Shooting paper in the garden yesterday and the pellets were up and down in the space of a new fill and out to a few mags after...zero crept up higher and higher then dropped an inch in the space of 1 magazine... I'd like a little bit more consistancy> I know XTX and John Bowkett do regulators and Tench has retired but does anybody else do them.
  12. have you seen this in the classifieds?http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/239952-bsa-supertenfull-set-up/
  13. what size/condition are the jacket an trousers?
  14. how come your selling mate...you've only had it a couple of weeks
  15. to be fair this guy was the only one who damned the R10 on the review centre site... worst gun he has ever owned apparently. (check it out, i think he's the 1st review) I had a few mags last night and your tips have eliminated the problem totally. Also fitted the new silencer (twink II from davyt63, excellent) and bipod... tis one sweet machine now. a bit of plinking and paper punching and I'll be ready to bother people for trips out..
  16. seen in a review on another BSA multi-shot where the owner claimed that same 2 pellet thing had happened to him and that firing 2 pellets had completely wrecked his barrel requiring a £120 repair. put a fair few pellets through since this happened with me, all went pretty much exactly where I wanted them to, user inaccuracy being the only real problem. seems I have gotten away with that.
  17. Excellent stuff Accuspell, very handy stuff to know. I wonder how many others reading this thread will be solving their indexing headaches using this pearl of wisdom about the trigger? Also solves the 2 pellet initial shot mystery. On reloading a full mag dont touch the bolt before taking the 1st shot. Thanks Accuspell, possibly saved me the cost of a new mag
  18. little bit of zeroing on the t10 last night. topped it up, loaded up the mag and 1st shot 2 pellets were fired... carried on and everything was ok, except that it seems when i'm getting to the end of the mag the 9th/10th pellet will fire just air, no pellet, it will fire on the next attempt though... I'm thinking a drop of oil wont do any harm but where should I apply the oil? it is one of the older magazines and i'm aware there are faults with them so will a drop of oil do the trick or will a new mag (which aint cheap) be the best solution? also the issue of 2 pellets on the 1st shot was
  19. darrin at xtx assured me after a reg the gun will be chrono'd and set to a sub 12lb figure which should ensure that no matter what pellet is used it will come withi legal limit. Think this is confirmed within the information on the website www.xtxair.co.uk/
  20. bottle arrived today, fill shop after work, 24 hr turn around as they let the bottle cool and then top it up so I get a proper fill... itchy trigger finger
  21. Did I see the Harris range finders on Amazon? reviews were good too, and if i'm not mistaken they have a solar panel so can be charged while out in the field...
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