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Everything posted by lampingboy

  1. does anyone know for any beating going on in gwent south wales how do you go about it never done it before so tips and things welcome
  2. lucky you i gota get looking for some permission with my dad
  3. Where abouts in Walea are you? pontypool mate (gwent) sorry mate huntingbev is my parents username
  4. ive been out a bit lately and it just seems dead around here (south wales) just nothing about a few crows the odd bunnie but not much at all im wondering what its like in other places in wales
  5. as i said im probably applying for and sgc soon im 13 but quite a big lad what gun/guns would you reccomend i dont want to spend too much but want a decent gun
  6. thanks for the replies guys my record is 0 unfortunaltely i havent had one yet
  7. im not sure but i know my air arms s410 carbine is i love it like you said its lightweight accurate and looks good keep up the shooting mate
  8. i voted no i prefer humain shots
  9. as i said above also what breed is the dog and please any tips on foxing would be good as i havent had one yet
  10. thanks for the replies but havent changed my mind
  11. go for the new one but if you can get an s410 cheaper get that if here isnt that much difference
  12. air arms s410 carbine with hawke reflex 3-9x40 walnut stock 2 tins of pellets think a 12 ltr bottle gun slip and a few other bits and bobs from litts in newport near enough £650 brand new a year ago for christmas will be getting a harris bi-pod and am ordering deben tracer max pro soon
  13. i hate t***s like tha hope the house does burn down with him in it :realmad:
  14. has anybody got any pictures of these guns if so please can you post some on here or pm me with them
  15. i hate taking my gun through brambells and s**t i got a air arms s410 carine with walnut stock so try not to
  16. im going out 2 nite with the lamp and gun on some of my permission hopefully get some bunnies will let you know if i do
  17. got trials bike and race motocross bikes but not swopping sorry i got a honda cr 85cc and my dad got a kawasaki kxf 450cc sorry i know its a hunting forum ut couldnt resist telling you
  19. nice looking dogs mate keep up the good work ere my dogs
  20. she is a bedlington x greyhound nice looking dogs i think mate i prefer the ruff coated personally
  21. shes a greyhound x bedlington mate nice looking dogs ithink mate
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