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Everything posted by lampingboy

  1. motocross is an expensive business indeed lol , looking atleast 2k for a decent bike. for example,my 2010 ktm 125sx was nigh on 5k
  2. will do pal! , ive just measured the distance my gun was zeroed at before and it was 30m ive now set out a 25m range in one of my fields and im just getting the gun ready ,will zero it at 25metres then when i get chance calibrate the mildots.I also set my magnification to x6 as si reccomended and i adjusted the little zoom in out thing to where i could see the mildots most clear will be back with a few pics later cheers brad.
  3. i think your probably a tad too far away pal but i would have happily let you have a charge from mee atb brad.
  4. the ideal night in my opinion is no moon,overcast,a nice bit of breeze (use it to your advantage) and a slight misty rain,this is where i found my best results in the past. For example i went out monday and it was the above conditions and i seen atleast 7-8 bugs,i went out another 2 times through the week and it was basically still with no moon and i didnt see one bug what so ever. atb brad.
  5. sounds like some near perfect permission to me! how did you fall upon it if you dont mind me asking ? .o and gte plenty of pics they always make things more interesting haha atb brad
  6. wow alot to take in,but i think i managed haha:) i may try and calibrate my mildots tonight or may leave it untill tomorow when i have some time haha. ill try it and let you know how i get on. also subscribed on youtube mate,awesome vids i must say! thanks for all your help pal atb brad
  7. ill leave the techno stuff for now haha.but the lamp was kind of essential,and my permission is on private land,so isnt that legal ? my mate is 17 .
  8. thank you for understanding i will take your advide and get practicing!! i may delay this weekends shoot and practice instead,and get my scope zeroed and a little sort of range setup will let you know how i get on . thanks and atb brad.
  9. im 15 now and shot from when i was about 8-13 on and off but not very regular,i had my s410 for christmas i think 3 years ago and then focused on my bikes. all i really did before was some target shooting in one of my fields and occasionly went for a bit of shooting with my dad on some permission where my mum used to keep her horses,as i say i dont have any real experience .so im starting new and dont want to pickup bad habbits and want to soak up as much info as i can.obviously i understand at a longer range you have to aim a little higher,but my question was ''how much higher'' i never under
  10. what a lovely write up there simon! you went out for some target practice and came bag with a bag full,i got out and cant even spot a bloody thing haha the hw77 is a good gun you say then, i may have to try and pick one up haha ,thinking of restorign my hw35 first though ATB brad .
  11. its an aas410carbine .22 - so say i had it zero'ed spot on the crosshairs at 30yds ,and then i took at shot at 40 or 45yds with the crosshairs on the bullseye and it hit low.....i then move one of the lower mildots to the bullseye and work it out from that ? so basically you remember what distance is what mildot ,correct? thank you for the link and help btw. i think i will invest in a range finder after i get some money saved thank you brad.
  12. hi lads just wondering who uses a range finder ? and how usefull do you find them ? what are the do's and dont's and what ones would you reccomend ? the reason im asking is because im planning on calibrating my mildots on my hawke reflex 3-9x40 and i take it you need a range finder for when your hunting ?. thank you in advance brad
  13. thank you,those are some great ideas and tips their pal!...if my mate comes along ill give it a whirl and see how it goes if not i may just take a walk around and do a small recce of the area as my mate owns the hide and i dont think there will be much chance without one. anyways ill get back to you on how ive done and maybe get a bonus of something in the bag thank you for your help , brad
  14. your a star, cant fault you! top man ....will drop you a pm when i get my wages saturday pal cant wait to watch them thank you very much! brad
  15. think i will give it a whirl lads thanks how does this kit look ? anyone ever used it ? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Birchwood-Casey-Perma-Blue-Liquid-Blueing-Kit-Rifle-Gun-/160316144132?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item2553963a04 thank you brad.
  16. looks a sturdy and high tech peice of kit haha just out of interest ,how much did it set you back if you dont mind me asking ? cheers brad.
  17. hi all , since my permission is now sorted and ive got some cammo i fancy a bash at some pigeon or magpie decoying this weekend,i finish work at 1pm on saturday so hoping to get to the farm at about 3 and setup. i have 1 pigeon decoy and 1 magpie . if my mate is coming,we will also have a lean too sort of hide that i think we can disguise a bit do you have an tips for decoying ? and shooting pigeons and magpies....also -if you set a pigeon or magpie decoy up would this attract other species of birds ? ie crows as ive seen hundreds at the farm on a certain bank some days at s
  18. very interested in this topic myself. would love to re-blue my weihrauch hw35
  19. good job mate! sounds like some cracking permission aswell brad
  20. thank you si ive watched it once but going to watch it again to get it into my thick scull haha brad
  21. done a very good job on that pal well done! atb brad
  22. it deffinately has paid off!! an absolutely brilliant marksman
  23. thank you si ∟ will get back to you as soon as possible
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