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About barryh11

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 02/09/1982

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  1. Well mate I would look into getting vaccination from were over the water in Ireland particularly around greyhound coursing meets like clonmel in county Tipperary and various websites from Ireland I get jabs for pups from them at £12.50 and that's syringe and all mate I would look into that
  2. Well there mate while all the men have giving sound and the best advice I tend to agree with everything that the men have said but a spot of lamping gets them going quicker as during the day there are distractions during the day that they dont see at night plus I try to get them a rat in a trap after that let them watch expeirienced dogs and in between let your pup follow the other dogs mooching in brush or around hedges it helps they get the scents and smells good luck mate ..
  3. Yeah I agree that foxes are before us but I think this should be dealt with as soon as I once again read an article in this weeks countrymans weekly about a fox who is laying attacks in a primary school which has paid 2,000 pound so far to get rid of the fox but we all know what get the fox away a strong terrier and a shot again children are the innocent victims time for PRIME MINISTER to open his eyes
  4. I read in the countrymans weekly that a fox attacked a woman out for a jog in a park just what is the proud pime minister going to do about this ever growing problem of urban foxes attacking young children in there cots I say block up the cat flaps and write a petition to the council and maybe it will strike up a possiblity of the hunting ban being lifted for all over england to get the numbers under control again fingers crossed...
  5. I agree with Mr Mooney take the pup back to the man you got it from and tell who they are a shame on the pup though
  6. Well mate I had my bitch out on the lamp last and she got a tear something similar to what you are describeing and I used super glue if your not sure on that you can get a vetinary stapler of somwer maybe on this website I have one now and they are a great job for that type of injury good luck mate.
  7. Evening all I have just purchased a new 25 yard long net and just want to know if anyone has the long net poles for sale please feel free to reply thanks
  8. good stuff albertj hope the good weather keeps up mate...
  9. well albertj just checking to see what day the terrier and lurchers are on is it saturday or sunday mate...
  10. Sorry mate something has come up and wont be able to buy collars from you apologies
  11. were abouts are mate could call and take them of your hands?.
  12. To albertj thanks for replying and im looking forward to the show and hope this mid summer rain stays away mate good luck and thanks again..
  13. I wouldnt slip my dogs on a big cat me and father were out with the dogs for a walk one bright day in the winter and saw cat that looked like a big from a distance was actually a pet cat as we heard a woman call out trixie lol
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