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Everything posted by beast

  1. those pups arent ready to go if they are just 6 weeks, keep em a couple more weeks and tidy em up a bit, you'll give them a better start and you'll get more interest
  2. its just aphase that most normal pups go through especially very confident, driven pups. your pup will grow out of it, just keep up the training when their is nobody about and accept that if a strange dog appears she will run to it - dont keep calling or she will realise that she can ignore you, just walk calmly up and put the lead on then engage in a wild game with a toy to divert the excitement away from the other dog and towards you. IT WILL PASS!!!!
  3. tablespoon of cod liver oil daily until it looks better, then every other day. oily fish is good too like sardines pilchards etc
  4. how can bones splinter inside a dog? cooked bones can splinter while the dog is chewing them, but once they are inside they just get digested. raw chicken bones don't splinter and are perfectly safe
  5. i think this is a good answer, but i would suggest "dont be bothered about stopping early BEFORE it starts messing about". always finish on a good note!!
  6. thanks johnny, i think you can force certain dogs to do certain things, but if a dog is really your mate it will face a lion without even being asked
  7. many puppies are like that with strange dogs. just walk over calmly and put the lead on. if the other dogs owner doesnt mind you can let them play its good for socialisatio . when your dog is old enough to start work it will soon realise that there are more imporatant fun and interesting things to do than play. he will grow out of it eventually though maybe not even till a year old. and dont try to call him if he is running away, it wil teach him that being called is ok to ignore it. and DONT scold him when you get him back, even if your livid you must still praise and mad play with the pup w
  8. As akycat says it is very hard to give advice without seeing the dog but it sounds as though there is a combination of things happening here. first, the dog is still immature, not all dogs are early starters. second the dog doesnt have confidence in you. third you sound as though you dont really like this particular dog as it is annoying you. i think that you need to "make friends " with this dog, learn to like each other and you will both get confidence from each other. play, feeding, just generally chilling together. its very easy to get frustrated with a dog if it doesnt do what we want and
  9. pm millet, he has 87 quail
  10. i will be sorting through the shed to see if i can take anything to peterborough. well done for being so generous, and well done to kay and lurcherlink for your very good wrok
  11. 1/2 cross you know what you are gewtting, and they are very capable on rabbits, and other stuff including long ears if they are hunting up. certainly not out and out coursers. 3/4 bred can come out anywhere between a half cross and a full grey, some have awful feet and burn out quicker than a roman candle, some are great but even the very best are not really out and out coursers. the other stuff a decent half cross will do just as well so i would go for that as it will be more durable. the beardie/border xgrey tend to throw a bit taller than beardie or border first crosses
  12. i hunt through beds and bucks, sometimes get out into herts and cambs. over the last few years i have seen the mu ntjac numbers steadily climbing, and there have always been good fallow numbers in many of the wooded areas. however what has been surprising to me is the population of chinese water deer, they are evrywhere now, it is very hard to find any arable land to walk the dogs without putting one up. they are becoming a serious pest and cause a lot of road accidents. but they were good sport when we were allowed to run them with the lurchers!
  13. thank you glogin very interesting. is there a scoring table anywhere that says how many points are required for a given species in order to be awarded medals?
  14. get them off at the vets, should be running agin in a month
  15. a mate had a springer a few years back and after a car accident it ended up having the head of the femur cut off (the "ball" which sits in the hip socket) and even despite thie it ended up back at work, just a bit of a limp after a long day. i have no doubt with the correct rest and slow gradual return to fitness your dog will be fine. just dont rush it. good luck
  16. thank you, i've been trying to find a concise list but keep drawing blanks!
  17. is there a list published anywhere of just what measurements are taken to calculate medal heads? thanks
  18. very interesting thread b maxhardcore about well-known coursing dogs. i remeber hearing about a bitch called anna owned by someone called brown which was supposed to be very good, i thinnk it beat southerds lady? was anna a good bitch or not? dont hear much about her nowadays (think she was running early eighties?) and how was she bred?
  19. get that pup away from the rabbits and work on its recall for a start. wait until it is obedient, and physically capable before you enter it.
  20. you need to get your fella to act as his boss too, he needs to make a relationship with this dog which makes it clear this behaviour is unacceptable before it turns into a real issue. i think dogs in a properly structured environment dont develop this behaviour, it jus never enters their heads that they can take thjose sort of liberties so i would take skycats advice and 1) give the dog some outlet for its energy and drive 2) put him in his place!! good luck
  21. chemical castration does work (there are different drugs and some work on different processes in the dog) but are only really of value as temporary measures as they can have long-term effects and also work out very expensive over time. millet get the dogs cut, should only be about £50-60 and although yes they are more prone to run to fat, you can manage that easily enough with sensible diet and exercise. i've had a couple done over the years, no real problems, i think they only lose their drive and energy IF you allow them to get overweight. good luck
  22. best of luck, hope she mends right. if she vomits or has diarrhoea get a sample and see if the vet wants it to analyse, might help get to the cause of the problem
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