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Everything posted by beast

  1. if it is just skin wounds then keep clean and they will heal, as has been said. if the tears have gone into the muscle i should get it looked at by a vet. the puncture would concern me, you may be able to get a small syringe in and flush it when you clean the tears but if you are in any doubt get a vet involved. they may be crap on some running dog related issues but basic stitching and wound management is something the majority of vets can handle pretty well. even if its just getting a prescription for antibiotics if required
  2. there was always a lot of gear round that way, dont know how preciously it is guarded though? long time since i been out in witney, think i ended up in a place called hush one night? welwhat i remember of it!!l
  3. Was she related to Anastasia Noble?
  4. thats a good point lapin, just how many stalkers would be required to carry out such a cull? i would suggest that anybody currently carrying out deer control for a living has sufficient to do that they have little spare time to increase their numbers, and that leaves us part-time and amateur stalkers. i for one devote as much of my free time as i can to various fieldsports, so unless the government was going to pay me an equivalent salary to quit my job and shoot deer full-time (plus thousands of others ) it aint happening. so where does that leave us, either create jobs for the unemployed and
  5. forgive me if this is a dumb question (and be gentle please!!) is chartpolski the same person as whin?
  6. no idea sorry. i was actually being a bit of a tit cos it was on the link you posted, in case it opens differently in your browser, here is all the information from that link Hare Coursing..Slipper, Wayne Drew, with two greyhounds wearing identifying red and white collars. He is looking over the hedge towards a group of beaters who are driving hares, one at a time, towards the coursing field. The Cotswold Coursing Club Meet, near Kilkenny, Gloucestershire..Hunting with Hounds / Mansion Editions
  7. yep, truth is that our little island is so intensively inhabited and managed that there are very few truly wild places left where "nature can take its course". add the fact that all the large predators have been exterminated (wolves, bears, lynx) and you have a situation where deer numbers have to simply be managed or starve. plus the devastating long term effects that they can have on the environment where numbers are too high. but realistically, the chances of anybody actually taking decisive action and ordering a cull of huge proportions, are virtually zero. what a mess
  8. i have had running dogs for many years, far longer than some of these people have been alive. i have had some crap, some average and luckily for me a couple of truly exceptional working dogs. ive been offered a LOT of money for pups or stud duties, but i have NEVER bred a litter. personally i worry too much about what might happen to the pups, i know it sound soft but my dogs are workers but also my mates, my personal morals are my own business i know, but i would hate to see a dog i had bred in a shelter, let alone dead by the road somewhere. or dragged round a show with a FOR SALE sign round
  9. what skycat wrote makes good sense. i would say that you need to keep the nails as near to the quick as possible and get the dog out on the road. it will be worth the extra effort as you will see a difference, depends on the dog but i would guess 2-3 months. some dogs have genetically bad feet, but how you manage them can make a hell of a difference. others are essentially sound feet but bad management doesnt allow them to be as they should. good luck
  10. no healthy animal of any species will ever refuse food to the point of making itself ill. if the food doesnt get eaten straight away, its taken back. nothing till next day then. and if a dog eats a certain meal one day but not the next, then its simply not hungry therefore the portions are too big. feed smaller portions. and dont worry if the dog loses a pound or two in the transitional period, it will simply be getting its body to a proper state of hunger
  11. as has been said already, take him back to puppy training and puthim in a crate when unsupervised. when you let him out of the crate put him straight outside, and here is the trick, make him stay there until he goes. you must watch him so you dont miss it, but if you let him back in without emptying then he will do it indoors, and if he does that even once then you are back to square one. shouldnt take more than a few days, good luck with the dog.
  12. the problem is that with the move to a flesh diet becoming popular over recent years, vets are seeing more and more people bringing animals to them with health problems caused by the WRONG raw diet. for example, if you feed too much flesh and no bone you will end up with a calcium/phosphorous imbalance which will seriously f##k up a dogs bones. there are lots of other examples. (my dogs get fish, venison, rabbit, chicken, lamb and a bit of beef and horse, all on the bone plus veg, eggs and a bit of bran and cod liver oil). a good balanced raw diet with plenty of variety is better than any bis
  13. i have permission near the places you have mentioned, places all the way from near luton to north of milton keynes and i have to say its the worst year i can ever remember. no rabbits anywhere, few hares 9although the numbers have been picking up over the last 5-6years) but loads of foxes and deer-typically we are not allowed to run them any more. i only use my dogs for ferretting and mooching these days and unfortunately i have a sapling pup which i have been trying to bring on over the winter but had very little for her to catch. i put the lack of rabbits down to the ridiculously wet summer
  14. for me, colour is not so important as the quality of the stock; the whole point of culling is to control numbers by removing the worst individuals. if the animals look ropey they will possibly be on the way out anyway, and also if there are whites in your local population then the gene is already present so its only a matter of time until more whites are born anyway
  15. i havent looked at countrymans for many a long year, infact not long after it changed from good old shooting news but why dont those of you who read or subscribe write to the editor and have a moan about this nimrod plonker? you might get them to write some more sensibe, balanced articles or even some sort of retraction? especially if enough people do write in?
  16. i've got a 2002 crew cab SE and its never let me down, done a lot of graft for very little maintenance. having said that, if i was to buy a new pick up i think i think i would go for an isuzu
  17. can I ask why u advice too give praise and stroke while the dog is still holding the rabbit I've met a few trainers before and lots of there advice too me had been timing when praising a dog too achieve positive results i've had a couple of mine mess around retrieving as youngsters, and i have found that if you make it enjoyable for the pup to put the rabbit in your hand, by stroking it etc and dont try to force it to let go then it is more likely to put the rabbit into your hand in the first place. (i find that if you are too anxious to get the bunny off them and into the bag they act wors
  18. my dogs get an hour out at 6am before i go to work, then in the kennel with a good meaty bone to keep them occupied and quiet in the day. proper exercise after i'm done work for the day, then a good feed once they have cooled down afetr exercise
  19. i must live in one of the only parts of the country where ther are no roe, seen just one roadkill in the 16 years i lived here. BUT we are loaded with fallow muntjac and water deer.................seriously loaded
  20. well done to find them, how did you track the dogs down?
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