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Everything posted by beast

  1. only ever seen twins from roe deer, but spent several days watching a water deer with five. she dropped them over a small field, about 30 or 40 yarsd apart and came back every evening when i was watching to feed them. dont know if she came back during the day to feed or not
  2. wouldnt say i really worry as such about cattle, but am always careful, as the man says imake sure i can get out of the field or to a tree etc easily just in case. break my dogs to cattle as pups, and never keep them on lead, so if the cattle start kicking off the dogs tend to leg it away, and the cattle generally follow them and leave me alone. had a first cross collie grey a few years ago which was brilliant, just learned herself to set up a sort of exclusion zone around me whilst i was walking or around my equipment whilst ferreting, always about twenty feet, if a beast stayed outside this
  3. anybody can technically bring a private prosecution, but it will cost you ££££££££££££££. here's a link which explains why most people who find themselves in this situation actually sue rather than prosecute (apparentlly there is a difference) http://www.yourrights.org.uk/yourrights/rights-of-victims-and-witnesses/prosecution-of-a-case/private-prosecution.html
  4. mine often eat grass, especially new grass in the spring. they are eating the wheat now its growing on again. they also like goose grass and comfrey. very rarely vomit and if they do there is invariably a bit of bone or such that they obviously cant pass through the stomach. usually the grass is passed in their crap. dont know why they eat it, maybe there is some tiny trace element or mineral in it, but i think it may be as a source of fibre. perhaps they just like the taste!!
  5. also, dont grab him when he is in reach, let him come right up to you then treat him and let him go again. take him round places with no rabbits and play with him, become part of the fun yourself. put the lead on when he comes in close, walk a few yards then let him go again. do this every few minutes. play with him while he is on the lead. be daft with the dog, make a fool of yourself, a youngster like that you should be making him your best mate so he enjoys being close to you. good luck, keep us posted
  6. if it is dry, and isnt red or iflamed i would simply leave it to heal. but check every day, if it starts to weep or swell it will ned antibiotics (we used to use one called baytril for poultry). if the scab comes away or doesnt form well you may want to put some wound powder on to dry it off
  7. seems to me that there are three topics which keep cropping up with people asking for help or advice. recall, stockbreaking and retrieving. how about a pinned topic on each of these subjects where people can put up there advice/methods/general suggestions as a reference for anybody needing help?
  8. very nice bg. folks if you are ever down woburn way stop by because its worth a look....
  9. those are wise words from sirius, plenty of oil in the diet, i have always used cod liver but there are others as the man said which may be better. plenty of grooming too, at least twice a day for a few minutes, can help to stimulate the tiny blood vessels in the skin and will let you see what progress is being made
  10. iwas out one night and saw a big black cat, thought it was a panther but much bigger at least the size of a shire horse. slipped the dog on it and he pulled it down with ease, this dog has such power and speed (jag gears) stamina survival instinct etc. by the time i got up to them the cat was smashed to bits. thank god i bought a malamute cross
  11. that could have been a lot worse an inch or two either way.......same round here for muntjac, seems to be one in every bush...................
  12. Now I'm baffled, are you saying muntjac doe's have tusks and they have a season? Also beast why would it be possibly hand raised, if a bucks caught there's a good chance he's going to go ape shit and try slash whatever he can if he is able to do so. yesmate i know a caught buck will slash like f##k (had a seeland wellie ripped open a while back, !!) . just that handraised bucks of any species are much more confident and wondered if that might make it more likely to hang about when walkers/dogs etc are around. mght be more likely to actually take the fight to thedog, cos to be hones
  13. do munties not give birth year round? and has a female got the armoury to do this to a dog? my guess is it's a buck, possibly hand raised and released, certainly once it learned it could see off a dog it would have become more confident.............
  14. i know gsd catch foxes, used to run my pures with the lurchers but it was the lurchers that did the catching, the gsd just did the crunching. however, your post said that the heavy slow mal xs would take foxes. not sure what you mean by the second bit of your post? if gsd x takes hares easy all the match boys would be using them
  15. i've never heard anything like it. caught daytime hares easy? dont make me laugh, aint any dogs catch daytime hares easy, unless they got no law or they're leverets. and where does this supposed brain come from in these malxgreys?! and even the diesel versions fast enough for foxes? havent run many foxes have we? ridiculous. but i had a ridgeback that used to fill in my tax returns, as well as a dobermannxyorkie that would take bison. ffs
  16. what you on? doesnt need any greyhound, just a dash of ridgeback...........................................
  17. How many different types of deer in Woburn abbey?..is it a good day out and don't mean hunting ......theres Pere David ,Reds and Axis deer from there to go with the fallow that's been there for hundreds of years in Margam park http://www.woburn.co.uk/abbey/deer-park/ its a lovely spot, and if you go early morning you can drive the roads nearby and play "how many CWD in this field?"
  18. loads of them feral at whipsnade, inside the grounds but just running loose. dont know if they ever had them at woburn. BG i hope you do catch another cos i would love to know what it was, i'm wracking my brains!
  19. the drive, the desire, the sheer predatory power and glory............... salamute all the way for me from now on........................
  20. for a start, does anybody think the dog in thefilm bears any relationship at all to any malemutes in this country? i could go on, but i think theres only one person on here who needs convincing, and i dont think he can be changed......... oh and by the way, when one talks about mal x smashing up other people's dogs, i thought this wasabout hunting not dog fighting ffs!!!
  21. let's make this clear, neither woburn deer park nor the safari park have ever held pudu or dik dik, i dont know what you caught BG but i'm intrigued now!
  22. We had a really fat one once, but this was a doe. There was nearly an inch of fat beneath her skin. Never went more than 150 yards: it was sinking in the soft soil it was so heavy. She was with another, smaller, male, thinner. That ran like the wind and gave the other dog a good course across a massive rape field before she got it. took a lot of does which were really heavy, mostly didnt have young in where other does locally which were carrying were not near so heavy
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