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Everything posted by hunter1

  1. Whippet wil do the job. Terrier good for marking and bushing. Terriers x spaniel lots of choices out there ???
  2. Did the same this morning.One bolt one shot two and half hours out .Not very good.Terrier was happy out mooching ??.
  3. I used to use a bellman and Flint .Just in case my border went to ground and in thick cover.I new where he was all the time . ?
  4. Great pictures mate.You can have some great sport with terriers and shotgun .??
  5. Warrens I like lay all year around.
  6. Smart pics mate.Good day out.
  7. Ianm you are talking Shit. One day you will see the light. When you get more experience. There is more 223 sold then 204 so it is not rocket science. END off I do not need to argue about this i am right. If you want start a vote on how many people use 223 or the 204.
  8. Do not get a 204 it is the MOST OVER RATED CaLIBER GOING . Had one sold it and got a 222 . 223 hits a lot hard than a 204 . You will not go wrong with a 223 . Have a look on gun trader the a mount of 223 compared to the 204 and hornet . So that says some think . It's like the 17 hornet never take off.
  9. Keep the sport going . The good going lads more fun then the TV .
  10. Wind blowning like f**k .No shooting so i am going have a few can and watch the god father .
  11. He needs. Free food for the dog LOL .
  12. Smart looking dog is Tyson. I used to have a good looking border dog few years back he come from the Wrexham area.
  13. I would take him to the vets .peice of mind mate
  14. All the best with him . He is from good working stock.
  15. Mold north wales 12 mile form Chester
  16. I have had two hmr and sold the two . My set up is 22rimfire. 223. 22.250 . 243 and on my ticket I have all lawfull quarry.My 22 will not get a bullet stuck down the barrell like the HMR.
  17. 2 hobs from working stock one polocat and one sandy colour .
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