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by the sound of it, its people like you f@cking the breed up!
west of scotland here.
I've only just takeing an interest in the sport, and only been out a few times tagging along with my bull/bulls so cant speak of old, but every time i been out on the lamp thers been a few. i get them comeing up from the old burn at the back of my house every night round about the same time, these reds at the back of my house are not scared atall they will look you in the eye and practicaly walk past you and slip threw the fence into the burn calm as you like. i've had to call my youngest off a few times
how tall was the whippet that was put to the bitch and how tall was the bitch iv'e been thinking about putting a greyhound to a 17" bitch
iv'e bred from a 2 year old bitch that wouldnt even lick the chord and sack off never mind feed them, had to bottle feed goats milk till there eyes opend and were mobile enough to get to a plate of milk then onto scrambled egg, the same bitch cost me a bomb at the vets(friday night out of houres) she desided to stop pushing on the last 2, managed to get my hand up and get one but was dead, the sack must have bust inside her, couldnt get the last one out so off to vets, took him over a half hour to get the one and only boy out the litter out and he was dead, the reason for the breeding in the f
your just picking up what i'm saying wrong mate, maybe i'm not puting myself across to good. yes inbreeding is the breeding of familly members however the only time i feel you should need to inbreed is after you have outbred so as to consentrait the genes again otherwise you could continue line breeding. i do realise that inbreeding is also used to sort faults, hireditory illness, but im sure the rule of thumb is to breed father dughter, mother son etc. if you had culled all your dogs that didnt make the grade and only bred from the dog that did then culled the next lot of shite and kept t
yeah mate its the op that wants to breed litter mates, personaly i wouldnt go about it this way, but i'm not in the op's position. i was just throwing up my views on inbreeding, i my self have only ever bred for lookes and temp as i'm just getting my self into the hunting game and havnt got much eperience working dogs, as i mentioned before i'm looking at bringing workers into the line i carry just now.
basicly i mean in my opinion i dont see why anyone would want to inbreed unless they were bringing genes from a diffrent breed into the genepool, this would involve the outbreeding to another breed then inbreed, say son back to mother then daughter back to uncle etc. to rain the genepool back in, because if they were wanting a trait in there dog that the breed should have then surely they could find a stud with close lines with the desired traits. i think wat you done with your inbreeding is basicaly hit or miss, as a hardcore breeder would have culled off any dogs that didnt make the grad
yeah mate defo agree, but my understanding is if you have a nice line but would like to add that little something else to it then you would outcross then back cross(inbreed) then back on to linebreeding once the blood is diluted enough. if its not to add someting that you cant already find in a line then there is no point in my opinion because if its a trait your breed should have but doesnt then you would look for a suitble stud/bitch of the same breed that had this trait, no? iv'e had the same staffs in my familly for years, and i'm getting interested in the rabbits, i'm thinking abo
i think the use of inbreeding in dogs is a part of adding new genes to an existing gene pool, outbreeding to introduce new genes then inbreeding/line breeding to tighten the gene pool back up, this produceing a dog of sertain type but with sertin key atributes of another type. to do this effectivley you'll most likely need to keep the litters for some time to determin what pups are throwing out wat your looking for, and cull off any bad pups.
hi i was wondering if anyone could point me in the [bANNED TEXT] direction on articles/info on line breeding/outbreeding/ and inbreeding. i've read a few pieces about it but the seem to contradict each other, i'm sure there must be people amongst you lot thet keep your own dogs/lines going, any help would be much appreciated.