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About flakie

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  1. thanks wardman, do you think it would be a hard dog to train to the whistle? i dont have much experience with springers but i have had russells all my life for bushing and I know how hard it is to train them. The bitch had 8 in the litter 5 died and we picked the biggest one that looked closest to the springer i will try get pictures up we are collecting him christmas eve and he will be 8 weeks.
  2. the other half is getting one of these off a relative, from working stock. [NO TEXT TALK] any experience with this breed? its goin to be used for rough shooting all going well. the bitch is a crackin pheaseant and woodcock dog, and the jack is just a busher. thanks in advance
  3. i had a border bitch and she was a great busher. i got her off digging men because she wasnt doin what they wanted her for. i got years of bushing out of her, very smart dog and very noisy when on the bunny, always a plus when the lurchers are in wait.
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