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About 21dangermouse

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Hey guys just. Wondering if anybody has one or used one at show/ meet up. They look a good bit of kit but very pricey. I like the idea of the remote switch. Heres the link to site http://www.bull-x.co.uk
  2. Any body got ferret kits going for sale or free etc in the cheshire/ shropshire area. Just looking to top the team back up after an old jill died. Cheers
  3. Glad you guys enjoyed that vid yeah he has done a two dvds here is the website link http://donnievincent.com/ its pretty interesting stuff to see a different part of the world and how they hunt. Also the production values on the footage are amazing
  4. Found this the other day thought somebody my like it on here http://vimeo.com/105686970 cheers
  5. Not to sure never sold anything on ebay. Does the bidder enter into a contract with the seller when they bid that they will purchase the item for sale at that price etc. But then again 2 ipads our not worth 7,500 quid.
  6. So there was game on app store and android market called flappy bird it got pulled of the market yesterday and the prices for phones etc with it are crazy check some of the bids out on this http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.XFlappy+bird&_nkw=Flappy+bird&_sacat=0&_from=R40 atb
  7. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj055qdb63M made me laugh
  8. Here is the venison recipe as promised a little late. In my opinion this is one of the best ways to use the fillet. By curing it, sealing it, then slice it thinly it will go along way. There is no real weights to this recipe as it is more of a method. To make the marinade you need to whizz roughly equal sea salt and sugar down. With a good bit of thyme and juniper berries . Once whizzed down to a fine crumb add the zest of a couple of oranges. Do not add the orange juice as you want a dry cure.Might smell like Terry's chocolate orange, but don't worry. Once the cure is made trim
  9. As title says http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2538182/Forget-cattle-theyre-rustling-ferrets-Spate-thefts-sweeping-England-leaves-owners-baffled.html Sad times when people are nicking animals, Scum Atb dangermouse
  10. Really nice spot that, cracking pictures. Nice to see the different lay of the land compared to all the hedgerows round here.
  11. I think that black whippet hit the net more times then the rabbits. Its pretty shocking they used them to "showcase" ferreting, i ' am no expect but their is better representers for ferreting like the lads from landmark ferret films and tegater vids of here with his lads would all better choices imo.
  12. Skip to 12.40 mins bit different to what i do, find it a bit hard to get mircowave and the generator over the hedges. http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=m-ch-fea&v=-xKLGu4Aeoo Atb
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