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Everything posted by bonone

  1. Is a boerxgrey same as a stag hound or similar? I been doing a bit research mainly looking at dogs used to catch wild boar in Australia, now they use stag hound, ridgeback, cattle dogs, pitbulls etc n these dogs look shit hot they can take a good beating would this sort of thing not be of any use to you specially on ground like them pics be interesting to see what you get and very interested to see any success you have in getting them jakals
  2. Speedie sorry i aint got a clue wtf your on about?? Who are you?? Why would i be round belfast?? Ive done my time there with hmforces your women are great, beers not too bad am not after jackers to dump about i wanna have ago at proving a point to the total dicks on here who seem to jump on the band wagon bout how great there dogs are and how everyone elses jacks its called kennel blindness, if these coursing dogs are that shite as they jacked why do people still wanna pay hundreds for the lines?? Its all down to jelousy, simples.....
  3. Lol am no dog whisperer just like a challenge if you ain't got a top bred jacker shut the fook up ya bellend... As for your 11" jacker of fox at 7yr old should of bin pts ages ago oh yeah I suppose it poos gold nuggets too eh?? I see the kids are on in force tonight!! Look if you ain't git a well bred jacker don't bother to reply cause your a total waste of time effort and even oxygen ffs!!
  4. Lol crack on only need 1 dog or bitch to try it with, im predominantly a lamper, daytime don't bother me too much but for this challenge il make an exception just pm me with details or post up if brave enough to admit you got a jacker all messages will be treated in confidence am not offering this to shame people im doing it to prove a point.....atb
  5. aye but you don't know what its been xsd too that previous post doesn't read too well lol what I meant was there might be sons or daughters out of my mates litter about still his dogs 9 now but every pup looked the same so you think if a dog was bred to say another Sal bull grey etc it would reduce height honestly that looks the spit of ma pals n as above post tells you what the breed is id say ud not be too far off on them lines just my opinion though
  6. Tell you what fellas ive been on here bout a week n all you hear is tosshats rhyming on bout this n that jacking,cocking,stopping etc etc heres my offer to any of you....... Il take the best bred jacker you can possibly find the more that know I've got it the better give me 1 maybe 2 seasons and il have it running proper if I fail fine no ones lost anything if I succeed though all you wankers crabbing on night after night can basically shut the fook up n never crab dogs again. Come on fellas lets have a rumble on it im game to try anyone wanna take me up on my offer?? Il even stick a post
  7. lol another post gone to rat shit lol gotta love it NOT!!!!!! Only on thl.......
  8. Lol told you not been on here long sound about right though il go for 14,15yr old was just making a generalisation lol wrong i know but hey sue me lol I know i said i wouldn't reply to you thieving scouser lol but that comments just so funny id call your dogs even without seeing them id also run mine against yours lines or not yeah you may (i highly doubt) have top dogs and they may indeed hammer mine but if they are well bred you'd better win or youl look a fool lol Mine are average hoes I've not spent more than 80quid on any of them but im confident enough to run them against any
  9. ello pal, my pals got a dog and it might or might not be as we dont know if theres any of his dogs litter left we know most died be out of a litter mate to that? but that dog of yours looks the same build, make up colour as his. thats out of peter scoines (peter the beaters) dog scout every dog in the litter came out them colours and the smallest made 29 1/2" tts good strong machines he was from over hartlepool way i think?? Scout was put to a good saluki grey bitch and produced my pals dog you never know lol think the make up of the dog is salukixgrey with an 1/8bull nb1/16 deerhound. hop
  10. et chartpolski what's wrong with people on this site?? Everyone seems to know best I can't believe the amount of people moaning on about pointless ruubbish, thought it would be a site for folk to offer advice,tips and maybe a bit of banter instead it seems to be full of kids average age of about 18 most of which my dogs have a higher IQ lol I too enjoy reading/offering advice to our overseas friends as to aid them in selecting a sort of dog to aid them in their huntin game. Never know in a few year we might get some video footage of above dogs doing the job on jakal i for one look forward
  11. Yes I said 15year, yes I had once a saluki x greyhound no im not a "dog a day" he lived till he was 10 then had to be pts, I then git a Sal bull grey that had to be pts at 6yr I still had my Sal grey when I got my Sal bull grey once my Sal grey was pts I got a lucky x deacon bred bitch who ran into a grave stone at 11 month and broke her neck I then got my current dog Sal whip grey thats 4 nearly I also got a Sal bull whip grey who's nearly 3 and have just got a coursing pup so yeah its possible to have a few dogs in 15yr I could of been one of these get a dog mess it up get rid but being an e
  12. Sela, if we had jakal over here to be honest id be using a bull x not saying another breed wouldn't take them but if you got a nice 2nd generation it would have size speed and be very game over here we have fox and badger which is both illegal to hunt anymore people may say I dunno what im on about etc etc I've only ran dogs for 15years so wouldn't have a clue really! You do get some game little dogs of non bull breeding I had a saluki x grey 1st x that once took a badger back in the day he was good enough for me as I say, you want an all rounder that could handle a jakal if needed what dogs a
  13. Alryt mate, got an idea why don't you listen to half the fuckwits on here on how you need to get the dog sorted out by batting it beating it etc etc cause its a bull x and can take it!! What a load of bullshit if ever I've heard it, your dogs being a puppy it what they do, some say you need to move it which yeah you could, others say stop it asap or itl b a nightmare, your rewarding it for biting etc total crap!! Tell you what everytime you scream at it your stopping it using its mouth, itl get to the point where itl have no mouth then youl get rid cause its shit! Bull xs are game fighty d
  14. I agree with thuevesandscousers get a few books and read read read its the best way to learn about which x and why it will also (if you are a noobie) help you understand how to train it properly which is a bonus when you get one and take it out. As for you asking bout xsing this with that a "TRUE" lurcher as I understand was a greyhound x with im led to believe a collie type dog, back in the days of old only lords etc were allowed to own pure bred greys not to say your commoner couldn't but if they did the toes would have to have something done to them can't remember if it was to break the
  15. What's the problem there speedie?? Might not be right but from what I've seen and Experian ed with both greys and lurchers its right, in my opinion anyway....
  16. aye as I put id heard he was injured shame that puts my whole reply to bed lol on the plus side 10week off means seasons totally done so months of rest then starting to condition again later in the year hopefully he'l be right for next season wish him all the best.... Don't think its a case of its finished mate lurchers in my experiance heal better than pure dogs and yeah I've owned both! Even if its never right again itl just adopt a differant running style, think we should wait an see before mouthing off its done git to give it a chance
  17. Just thought id have my 2 penny worth on this post lol I don't know the guy who has Lucas heard he's a decent bloke though, never seen it only heard its meant to be a good dog but without sounding a complete Pratt or as if in trying to crab it cause it has no meaning to me I prefer lamping, the hares are strong at the min granted not as strong as 10yr ago but still flying you'd of thought if the dog was all that it would be out proving its name to those in the coursing circles that it seems to matter too, it may be injured?? If it is then fair play this reply is pointless lol I know e
  18. have run my fair share of plough all types only injury I've ever had is the stoppers can be torn nothing major guess I been lucky
  19. imo and its just that "my opinion" if people bred worker to worker and only sold to working homes then there wouldn't be any of the crap you see on gumtree, preloved etc etc all advertised as being from top dogs when intact its fools just trying to make some easy money of people who are green as the grass. That's not to say all the litters are crap but id guess 99% are. On the other side you can take your average lurcher and turn it into a good/decent grafter (if you have never managed it don't bother replying cause I won't even aknowledge you) its all down to whatever you put in you get o
  20. Hellyer189 looks like that pip of yours needs a good scran lol a good pork pie would kill it pm l
  21. Think you should give me the lads number im after one what's the lines of the saluki and the greyhound?? How much ur pal wanting per pup?? Pm me if you prefer cheers
  22. Its a bit tricky to do specially to mount the ballast it costs about 50quid in parts il pm you later with a pic when I figure out how to get them from my phone to email lol
  23. Guy, not just the bull x also saluki x too look how many litters they are, a few year ago you'd pay upto 1000 for a saluki now they are 50-450 another breed mass produced and gone to shite lol Hullhunter as I typed not every litter is crap most are though.
  24. Bird sorry but I have to disagree.... You would be right if we were back in the days of the fighting pits etc but now they have been out x'sd so much they don't have it in them as much. I've been in this game for about 15yr, in that time I've seen my fair share of these dogs graft and im talking proper graft not your run of the mill bunny Charlie ... Think about it your average dickhead with his big bull x head like a bucket built like a shithouse what use is it apart from dragging so called dickhead to the job centre to sign on hence the term "giro dogs" every divvy has either a staff or
  25. Alryt, I converted my old striker170 to hid when the wiring went its peachy I love it you can see squatters none of this looking for eyes etc its mint and id reccomend them to anyone
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