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Everything posted by rickardo

  1. heres mine only pics after my computer crashed one of me harris with a rabbit he caught which meg flushed the other my female peresaker she caught a crow then killed one of the ones that was mobbing her
  2. I have a 22lr sako p94 finnfire scope,silencer,sling 350pound and a larona o/u 28inch barrells multi choke l/h 300pound in northamptonshire f2f only both average condition .
  3. nice bird and pics, he looks a cracker
  4. strange aint it seen it today flying around and waited till it landed to get a pic, must of been about 1" long
  5. some random pics ive taken recently
  6. took this today at work wondered what it was?
  7. took my s200 to work again had these lost one crow :/
  8. on my s200 mk3 ive got the airarms silencer with grub screw and cant fault it?
  9. its a chaw deciding on what to take to work shotgun or airgun lol but then thats the advantages on working on a landfill site doin bird control
  10. took me s200 into work again had a walk round dinner time had these
  11. im thinking the same jasper
  12. 2 working hob ferrets free to good home in daventry, northamptonshire
  13. dont know if you have seen this but this falcon has some balls
  14. i think you wouldnt go wrong with a female pere saker these seem to be born to kill corvid, everone ive had has entred easy and they are big enough to handle them.
  15. the first one i had was a safe bought from b&q for about 20 pound then i bolted it to the cabinet which was passed by the fao, since then ive bought a bigger gun cabinet with one built inside
  16. HW95 in 177 with scope, silencer, sling, vmac kit fitted good condition, bought new in jan this year £300ovno collected daventry northamptonshire
  17. i like the cal but also i aint got to worry weather it has air in it, shoots the same at the start and end of the day just a good around gun.
  18. not sure think it a k but not 100 percent its round me dads house, awsome gun and i do prefer it to the pre charge
  19. some pics from the lastest few outing with the hw95 in 177 and s200 in 22
  20. there planning on put one or two on a landfill site i do, i was talking to the guy who was surveying whaqt birds was in the area if they reallly are quick enough to kill birds and he said oh yea they kill quite a few pigeons, so i asked him about the danger for mine, all i got was a grin.. not a happy chap iif this goes ahead as it will only be about 200 yds from tipping area. i think ill be packing it up if they get built.
  21. rickardo


    bummer mate hope she recovers well.
  22. can i ask why your selling? also 177 or 22?
  23. or sell for £450 as needs it gone. thanks
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