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Everything posted by rickardo

  1. i use the tracer pin spot for both my airgun and rimfire, the thing i like is it has 3 beam seting for different beam ranges.
  2. rickardo

    new falcon

    not great quality vid, but one of my peregrine on the kite
  3. rickardo


    honeybrook, but i collect mine
  4. i use the tracer pinspot on both my rimfire and airgun
  5. theres a lad that lost one rugby about 4 weeks ago, on facebook lost birds, but i think he gave up try to retrive it
  6. rickardo

    new falcon

    Archie nearly finished his moult cant wait to get him goin again
  7. *******************gun now sold****************
  8. thats cheap i paid 110 +vat + postage
  9. i have a topex applicator for sale with orange plastic carry/storage case only used once £100 posted uk only. tel Richard 07540889913 northamptonshire
  10. havin used the mk1 for years then switching to the mk3 for the last 2 or 3 seasons, it not hard to use you just have to get used to it like everything, dont thing you would pick any up and be spot on where your ferret is first time, but i find the mk3 much better at pinpointing and depth..
  11. rickardo

    longwing vid

    seeen this on another site
  12. sako finnfire and simmons it is for sale as well
  13. went out the other night for a quick drive round with my rimfire and had these
  14. thanks, you aint wrong about the game bag lol
  15. took my s200 up some local permission this morning had a walk round wanted to try some jsb exact pellets id bought, and i got to say there spot on thing ill be changing from accupell from now on as this gun loves them, managed to shoot 6 but one kicked its self down a hole.
  16. Peregrine syndrome, never hear of this before till today, when i read someone peregrine died of it, just to let you know http://www.avianveterinaryservices.co.uk/news23.html
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