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Everything posted by rickardo

  1. you should be able to train your dog but dont know what standard you will get her to and if you will have to see if she is ok with a gun firing... near her.
  2. rickardo

    9 th april

    this i think will be boris last kill he had one flight today and caught this crow but when i got to him he was on this one and getting attacked by about 6 others , most of his primers are broken now and he has 2 cuts on his face so i cleaned him up and feed him up for the day.he can go down for a moult and have a well deserved break, ready for next season.
  3. flew boris at work today from a spot below the tipping face so the corvid had the advantage anyway he had 3 slips and binded to 3 corvid bringing them down
  4. hi my gyr/pere used to chase corvid off the fist but the last few flights you slip him and he will go the other way gain height then smack them like a game hawk ? the problem where i work there is a serious amount of corvid do you think this is a bad thing the way he flys or not cause im realy thinking of using him for a game hawk next season .
  5. i dont encourage then to feed on there kill i reward them with there chicks? ie the first few kills i give them all there days food ? no when he has killed and i get them ill hold a chick and he will come to me?
  6. hes had another double kill on the 2nd one was about 2 mile offf site and then on the 3rd i slipped him at some corvid at work and he smacked this one into the ground.. hes up to about 15 now i think
  7. dont know if its a bad thing or not but when my falcon kills most of the time i get there and he will step of his kill and come to me?? i also had this with a young pere/saker i trained.
  8. my go is there any good bargains there ?
  9. nice did you fly any?
  10. some member of the public broke it up on weekend?? bummer have to put one down the farm? got a couple in the freezer for you if you want them or did you get him entered?
  11. what you think a friend made this for me, he aint been making hoods for long but i was well impressed
  12. i couldnt fly my birds at work due to weather been sh*t , but by the time i got home the sun was out so i popped down the farm theres loads of rooks there, let him go he got some height and nailed this one just before the heavens opened up
  13. i took boris to work thought id give him a little exercise just scaring the birds off site, he had different plans the first flight he started to get some height so i called him in then about hour later i slipped him off the fist at the birds and he smacked a crow which was just about dead when i got there, latter in the afternoon i gave him another got and he took this rook i had to pull it through a fence to get it.good day in all
  14. so was it shit then as i was goin to go monday???
  15. yes thats what he said , we shall see hopfully wont have any problems
  16. just an update i managed to see a vet in banbury west bar very nice chap, anyway it is pox told me not to stress the bird out apply fuciderm cream to infected areas and give him vit a.. also keep everthing super hygine to help contan it, should last for about 4 weeks
  17. they have not come off yet?
  18. yes thats what im thinking after looking on the net? but he only has it on his feet none on his cere or around eyes, but theres a few different forms of it........ do you know anyone whos delt with this
  19. he is only a young bird thats why his feet are still blue/yellow pale in colour its the warts im conserned about.. thanks
  20. anyone got any ideas what these are? they are like small bown warts also anyone know of any good vets in northamptonshire, warwickshire
  21. the most pain for me was when my gyr/pere bit my thum and put a hole straight through my nail.. while it was sat on my other hand couldnt do anything till he let go
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