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you reckon do you

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About you reckon do you

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_CAs3q7G48 boyo billie turbo and kerry the three musketeers
  2. assure you it was tonys sonny full saluki dont know no but butts lol.biglicks of here got me the use of the dog sonny tonys dog being used quite a lot at stud now . thats why theres so much shit about then i suppose
  3. assure you it was tonys sonny full saluki dont know no but butts lol.biglicks of here got me the use of the dog sonny tonys dog being used quite a lot at stud now . you no but but from fochriw billy turbo/billy english told me said not to say he said but i had to also said your dogs aint caught on fen yet
  4. thought thats what you said on here before got told the other day it was but buts saluki?
  5. pmsl haha thats me then they put me litter sister to ideation and that dog poped out
  6. boyo what saluki did you use over your bitch ?
  7. speak sense mate dont do it for me and certainly havent got it al in the right parts and then more lol
  8. what an ugly heap of rubbish how can you say that this pup is ugly this pup is a belter.......so get a grip and give your head wobble wasent on about the pup but the older dog dear lord heavy set short dumpy legs looks like a labredog x
  9. looks abit like a mongrel the old girl got up farm
  10. lol jealous not a chance but come on all the right things in the right places and then more no chance
  11. chears mate just undoing me zip and getin stuck in
  12. finding out how to put jj jacking vid up

  13. i seen the tape of dancer jacking aswel gary mulholland got it to and blondie was like a hellicopter trust me she dropped the anker out the window many of times
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