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Everything posted by Sela

  1. a boergrey is basically a bigger greyhound They do have some other blood in them but I don't know what it is. They have bigger feet and are not as fast as normal greyhounds but they have stamina. I have heard of dogs doing a chase at top speed for about 2 km ( 1.2 miles) The breeders are normally from a different part of the country where they farm with grain so they have big open field that there dogs work on. So boergreyhound (boer=farmer) is a dog that is used by farmers and were made by farmers. This is not my dog but this is to show you what they look like They can reach anything from
  2. I have a whippet dam that is very fast but she is a bit soft then I have the pason jack russel that is brilliant but needs speed and size because I think the jackal is going to be a bit much for her. I suppose the deerhound x boergrey will be big enough she surely has shown that she has the necessary aggressive streak in her to maybe take on the jackal but she is still a bit to young for that. Then I ha e access to a few dogs like collies , bull terriers , ridgeback , boerbull, boxer, australian cattle dog and maybe a few other. I am just wondering while I am typing this that what am I really
  3. Thieves : are you on crack ? What the hell are you on about me and my brain circuit ? Do you not know what I am saying or speaking off? Should I perhaps draw you a little picture with crayons so you understand or is that also a bit to complicated for you ? obviously you are not bright so are going to make a fair and decent comment ons the stuff we are are talking about or not? If not go and Play in the sandbox and let the interested and smart hunters have a chat ...
  4. Nice one mate ! I am not totally new to this I am young but I have been around dogs my whole life and had quite a few. I have 5 at the moment. I live on a farm so its a bit of a different lifestyle than many other folk. I mainly hunt rabbits and feral cats and other stuff that catches out chickens etc. we are planning to get more sheep and there are jackal around so this is something I want to target in the future my dogs have to run between fruit orchards and on the open field as well so I have a certain things I want the dog to be able to do. For in stance I have a parsons Jack Russell and s
  5. Thanks for the honesty mate. That is exactly what I want to hear. I dont want the bullshit and what not. I mean we are all here because we love dogs and love huntin with them so why not just share the knowledge and maybe one day we will have the perfect hunting machine . I have a deerhound x boergreyhound it still young only 6 months old 26" tts and she looks like a brilliant dog very good nose and I like this because I want her to track game if I need her to and catch other game if I need , but I can see from this early age that there is no way that she will have the speed that I was hopin
  6. Do you think it is because they don' t really know them selves or what? I dont really want a book I want to learn from people with experience that know what they are talking about and not taking the mickey!
  7. Hi, I have been reading quite a bit on this forum and I have heard of some very interesting X's but as a newbie here I have a few questions and I would appreciate it if all the people in the know help with these issues and questions I have . Let start of with a short description of what is a lurcher ? Lurcher : WHippet or greyhound as a base and the anything else crossed with it makes a lurcher ? Why do you use certain X's and not other for example Why use a bedlington and not an airdale ? Why a collie and not a kelpie ? Why a bull and not a staffie ? Why a whippet ? Why a greyhound
  8. Hey, I had a fist cross of a parson jack russel ( wirehair - long leg) with a whippet. Mom was the Jack en dad the whippet. It was a good x the dog was between the height of the 2 parents but on acceleration it wasn't nearly as fast as the whippet. It took a while to get up to speed but wasn't half bad. The terrier came through when hunting ferrel cats and other critters as he didnt back down and he was less than a year old .Gave him to a mate because I wanted to make room for a deerhound x. Not much info sorry !
  9. I dont have a pic at the moment but will get one soon
  10. The Boergreyhound that was used is approximately 30" high so I imagine it will be close to that and probably bigger . It is quite obvious when looking at her that she is going to be big She has extremely quick reflexes and a prey drive that is very strong at this age. I think she is going to be a very good hunter but I am busy training her to do some tracking aswell
  11. here is mine. Boergreyhound x Deerhound . 6 Months old
  12. What I tried to say was. Will the dog be able to herd because that will be big posative if I decide to go that route
  13. It sounds like a cross with a GWP should be a nice dog as well ?I wonder if I cross with a collie how the dogs herding will be if I try working her around sheep. LOL ! A few pics of my dogs. The boergrey x deerhound is 6 months old at the moment
  14. Hi , I live on a farm in South Africa so I can basically hunt what ever I want. I have a Boergreyhound x Deerhound. The boergrey ( farmgreyhound) is a dog that is bred in SA bythe farmers. It is a bigger dog than a normal grey but I am not sure what they used to get this but all I know is the x with the deerhound is still a big dog. I really want a german wire hair pointer because of what it can do when it comes to finding game and retrieving etc. So why do people cross a collie with a grey ? Why would I want to gross a collie with my boergrey x deerhound ? I am basically looking for dog that
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