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Everything posted by Mawders

  1. Hi all, Gained a new permission just up the road which consists of a barn and about 3 fields with hedge rows seperating the fields and the occasional big tree along the hedge row. Now I went up there this morning to see what's about and saw plenty of pigeons and crows landing in the trees and the occasional white tail of a bunny running away. My plan was to sit down below a tree static and wait for the said birds and see if the rabbits would come back out. Now this is where my problem started. There are no gates between the fields so the farmers cows some of which were bulls were foll
  2. Good write up mate, question, does the NV stuff increase the weight much on your set up. Might have to wait till Xmas for a decent NV kit.
  3. Thanks for the comments guys, will do more stories and pics whilst out at my perms in future. We both love it and both eager to keep getting back out there. I knew when I lit that fag it would probably be the end to the shooting rabbit wise but couldn't resist, a toast to the rabbit and also to steady the adrenaline haha. Thanks again.
  4. Hi all, Have been following the Hunting Life forums for a while now and thought it about time to post and introduce myself. I am 30 years old and for my 30th I decided I wanted to get back into air rifle hunting. When I was 14 onwards my dad I started airgun hunting together and purchased two BSA supersports in .22, fitted them with scopes and off we went learning our craft and enjoying the sport. My dad was in the RAF and so where we were based in High Wycombe, Bucks we had a large wooded area to shoot squirrel, crows, maggies and pigeons and then got ourselves a permission in Gloucesters
  5. Some really tidy shots there mate, looks like you really know your distances and scope hold over. Look forward to some more quality vids.
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