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Everything posted by Mawders

  1. She sure is a Mk2 mate, maybe you could have a word and get him to put by the kit for a service and tune on her Timmy style so that when I come down you have the parts. If you find out how much it will cost and let me know that would be super Timmy, she's a .22 by the way. Phil
  2. Nice one Timmy, Do you mean the soft side or the harsh side of a scouring pad? Heres the little pitting marks I was on about, look closely under the word 'In' nothing major but wanna keep her looking her best. Mawders
  3. It sure is the vet same tx I was telling you about Timmy, it is in need of a Timmy strip down, we will have to arrange a day soon I reckon so that it's good for the rest of the year ahead. For her age she's in really good nick, just a few pitting spots on the action that need addressing cosmetically. Not sure what's best to tackle them with. I'll try and get some close up pictures after my roast and see what you think. Cheers Gaz the permission is stunning. Mawders
  4. Nice write up pal, it always puts you on the back foot when you miss a few to begin with but good to see you persevered. I learnt a long time back to check zero on every outing! The journey to the permission can knock the scope just enough through vibrations of the car to mean the difference between a kill and a miss. Mawders
  5. Saturday 25th January 2014 So with the weather forecast looking really bad over the weekend my shooting buddy and I decided to brave the elements and get back out to our permission. With last weeks haul on the grey population being rather good I was certain there would be more out this week. The presence of these vermin on this permission is strong in number and have been left pretty much untouched for years. We arrived at the permission later than we normally would, it was 11am already and the sky's were looking black and thick. The wind was blowing strong and with it came a bitter c
  6. Awesome outing right there buddy. Always nice to take a token squirrel haha.
  7. Nicely done VM. Those ultras just keep getting good reviews.
  8. Twymanc I applaud your morals, wish all tradesmen near me were the same! Even so called friends of the family want to bend me over and shaft me if I need something doing lol!
  9. Cheers Geordieboy mate. I'll be hopefully sharing more tales of the hunt as and when I go. Phil
  10. She felt awesome mate, nice and smooth, a real joy to shoot. Like the day it left your workshop! It's got to be on the cards for another visit this summer and some pigeon work. Cheers Phil
  11. Hey Elliott mate, yeah I'm planning on getting out as much as I can this year. I've missed far to many nice days out with the pro sport! Good luck with the feral clearance, can't wait for a pic or two. Atvb Phil.
  12. Outstanding buddy, bet that bag put a smile on your face for the rest of the day.
  13. Cheers chaps, loving the warmth, feels like I never went away! Here's to more happy hunts for all of us.
  14. Sounds like it's well overdue a good service pal. I had a good condition mk3 Superten that I loved but even that needed a service, unfortunately the build quality on them doesn't stand up to time and usage, get her serviced you won't regret it.
  15. Cheers mate. Much appreciated.
  16. Indeed, it's good to see the site and this section still going. I've missed the place truth be told.
  17. Cheers mate, its good to be back, it would appear things have changed a little since ive been MIA.
  18. Long time no post, Having gone the last 6 months without a single outing or shot fired of the air rifle my shooting partner and I decided we reunite our passion of the sport. Due to working commitments and life in general getting in the way it had felt like a life time since I was last out with just my rifle for company. So a quick conversation with the land owner of a new permission we secured before going MIA for 6 months and it was still game on. Good news no less because if we had lost this one then I really would have struggled to find another like it. So Sunday 19th Jan cam
  19. Skott mate I think you've been playing to much call of duty wanting a blue action lol, you'll be shooting 3 squirrels next and calling in a care package! Lol I must admit it's made my eyes bleed looking at that lovely rifle be polished down but it's YOUR rifle so fair play you do what you want mate. Can't wait to see the next instalment
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