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Everything posted by Mawders

  1. Cheers Skot, I think she has the best example walnut stock I've ever seen on a Pro Sport and I've seen my fair share lol! Get down and dirty with that oil Skotty, you won't regret it! Phil
  2. Hey simon, hope your well. Never thought of using it on a beech stock before, might put some on my old mans beech mk2 TX200.
  3. It really is a shame they can't open every Sunday there as it would increase my chances of going.
  4. Google is your friend, to save you looking though it's a PCP.
  5. Mole, I think your choosing to split hairs, every rifle whether it be an AA, HW or other have Friday jobs or batches. I've had or seen some appealing examples from 'new' from both the top spring rifle manufacturers. I'm sure not all BSA springers are poorly built pieces of parts. I see a lot of people on here showing pics of their lightnings or super sports etc.
  6. The BSA super sport and the BSA Superstar I had were both superb first class springers! Not a single problem with either and owned both for many years. Look at his budget, that's why I stipulated the second hand market for an old gun. You must be talking about brand new BSA's I assume. I have not had any dealings with new BSA's as I like to think I've 'moved' on from that stage. Mawders
  7. Agree! Buy cheap, buy twice! You won't go wrong with a HW, AA or BSA springer in the second hand market.
  8. I have the 4-12 x 40 AO IR model running on low mounts on my Pro Sport and it's fantastic quality. Very clear optics and really fine half milldot ret! Can't fault it really for the price I really can't! As Andy said probably best to zero at 30 or 25 yards depending on your skill. Cheers Phil
  9. Andy I take it you didn't buy the rifle from SFS? Only time I've heard him say he charges for it to be looked at is when the rifle changes hands. I've had two tuned rifles from SFS in the past and both went wildly over limit. One of them went back and was lowered and then a few hundred pellets was back up there and went back again, total time it took me to drive was 5 hours with that gun going back and forth and feck knows how much petrol money. BUT I would rather that than risk posting it back and forth. I don't know of one person who has had a SFS tuned hw and it hasn't gone over t
  10. Andy97 I'm keen to learn what problems you have had with SFS? Would you mind going into it? Oh and I agree it doesn't matter on the shop/garage or mobile caravan when taking my business as long as someone treats me good and I get the service I would expect then you can't beat them in my experience. I can't stand my local shop 5 mins away but would rather travel an hour and go to my fav RFD. Based purely on customer service and the staff being friendly and not snooty or full of shit! Each to their own.
  11. Elliott mate I wish I had done this from new and not waited a year, the results are really really worth it. I must say it was a toss up between using this or the stuff you mentioned but thought I would give this stuff a whirl. Cheers moxy if hope to go through puberty soon and shed this bum fluff. ;-) Phil
  12. Thanks VM I have to agree with you this oil is kickarse! It's only day 3, I can't wait till the end of this 7 day treatment! She smells so good I want to eat her! Lol
  13. As many of you will know my rifle of choice is the Air Arms Pro Sport. I've had my current Pro Sport from new and its exactly one year old this this month. From new I've always had the rifle out in all weathers but pride myself in the way I look after my gear. I know some people just see their rifles as tools of the trade or there to be abused but I believe in keeping my boomstick nice and clean and always gave her a wipe down after each outing. However I wanted to give her more. So I decided that I would treat her on her birthday month to some stock loving. With that said I have ne
  14. Personally I'm a fan of the good old dark stocks! I don't like them light.
  15. Only going on those pics but looks like you have done an A1 job there mate! Looks superb!
  16. Hi Matty, looks like your having some fun and games with this tx. Just wondering why you opted for a Titan spring which really are horrible springs when you could have ordered an air arms one for the same amount. Those titans have that name for a reason, I've heard of so many rifles having those fitted and being wildly over the limit. Let us know how your getting on with that under leaver locking bit. Atb Mawders
  17. Ha ha ha well at least you got out!
  18. Cheers guys for the kind replies, more to come soon.
  19. Davey, where have you been! Not been posting much, everything ok?
  20. Cheers Daz, yeah there is rabbits but they are nocturnal, I'll wait for the warmer weather to tackle them. Going to try some pigeon shooting soon, spent the last visit trying to identify their favorite trees. Phil
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