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Everything posted by xHOUNDx

  1. Feel like shooting ;)

    1. StevoSmith


      Then go shooting mate...i am lol

    2. xHOUNDx


      yeah fook it, lamping time, happy hunting mate


    3. StevoSmith


      you to buddy...go get em lol

  2. Feel like shooting ;)

  3. soak your dead baits in predator plus liqud attractor over night, the pike pick it up much sooner than they would without it mate, good luck
  4. hey all, 15 years old, shootings in me blood, passed down through the family. went out shooting yesturday, me and dad have just ot a 4 acre woodland permisson, i've just been given a 3 shot 12 g passed down to me from me grandad, dont ask what make cause i have no idea, it fits me perfect and i get on with it a lot better and shoot a lot more vermin than i did with my heavy under and over. we was wlaking through the woodland, and we flushing rabbits and phesants from under our feet everywhere, got the spaniel from the truck and started our flush again, within half an hour had 2 rabbits and my
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