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About SteveH

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  1. Hi Davy, I do have BASC Insurance and use it as a selling point when asking for permission. What I was getting at is I know several farms with foot paths cutting through there land, the land owners even with my insurance dont want any chance of accidents in this situation. Steve H.
  2. Thanks for all of your replies gents! I look forward to joining in on future topics :-) As for gaining permissions, all of mine have come from people I know or more often than not friends of friends of friends who have put a good word in for me. Luck does play a part but getting to know as many people as possible can only help. Doing your homework first can help i.e check ordanance survey maps for public footpaths, if there are any running through a farmers land then I dont even bother (even with insurance). One tip that has helped me is pointing out to a farmer that you already shoot on n
  3. Hello Everyone, I've just joined the forum so I thought I'd better introduce myself. After a 10 year break I've been getting back into my hunting in the mid/north essex area and really enjoying it. I'm lucky having a couple of good permissions, one being a large wood and the other being a pig farm. (I've been following the recent ratting posts with much intrest). I still have my HW35k from many years back (might upgrade soon) however the gun has been looked after and seems to be in good working order and the end result is the same... dead rabbit! I do have one question regarding t
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