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Everything posted by PaulSanderson

  1. Hi Guys... I live in rural Norfolk and want to get into ferreting. Ive read, read and re-read posts and books etc but never actually been out with someone. I already shoot so ferreting would be a great addition. If there is anyone around the Norwich or North Norfolk area that wouldn't mind somebody tagging along for the ride that would be great. Cheers. Paul.
  2. You could rig a jig if you're not using power tools. 2 prices of threaded bar in a board and then a cross-peice between a few nuts. Bit of maths to work out your angle (I like 11-13 degs) and use the cross bar as a guide for your file. I've made a few this way and it works a treat. Adjustable too...
  3. Cheers chap...what kind of grind is it? I'm very particular haha
  4. Hi mate, is the W2 blade a flat grind or convex grind? What's it hardened to roughly?? Cheers.
  5. Stevo - a mate has a mal x German shep that actually catches rabbits and takes them back to the hand still squirming but totally unharmed. He just wants to play. Having dispatched the conie and introducing it to the dog he loses all interest! Wierd!
  6. I've had them both from pups but never thought to actually work them before now. It's only since I've lived on the farm and got into shooting for pest control that I've realised that they're actually naturally good at it as a pair but useless when I want them to go where I want them to go.
  7. Hey up... ...just how old is too old to 'start' working a dog? I have 2 American cockers who have no training but seem to excell at doing what cockers should do best...however, I can't seem to get them to go where I want them to go. One will flush all day and the other will retrieve until the cows come home. Both won't do both. So, as per the title... How old is too old to train a dog? Mine are 5 and 4 years old... ...any info would be great. Cheers, Paul.
  8. cheers Joe...will give you a nudge some day. appreciate the offer
  9. Hi Michael - Cheers for the welcome. I live just north of Aylsham. What about you?
  10. Hi Guys and Gals... ...Been lurking around here for ages, and took away loads of great advice so I thought it was about time I actually signed up. Interested in mostly rough shooting on the farm with an air rifle to keep the woodies and bunny numbers under control, but looking to volunteer doing some beating and gradually work my way onto getting a cert and work with other firearms eventually. I love the countryside and the outdoors and all kinds of countryside management and conservation so this forum seems the perfect place to lurk... ...and thats about it from me, if you hav
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