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About robsharp95

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 08/09/1995

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  1. has anyone got purdeys progress or anythink similar for sale? thanks in advance
  2. does anyone know were I can get a straight piece of deer bone for a catapult handle? thanks
  3. does anyone know were I can get decent bit of deer bone from? thanks
  4. ok thanks, wouldn't sell it anyway was just woundering
  5. I have a webley stingray I was given a few years ago and have recently been told its quiet valuable, its at least 10 year old, its had less then 50 shots through it and the gun hasn't got a mark on it, not intrested in selling was just woundering if anyone had any idea on value? thanks
  6. are you still after someone?
  7. it wouldn't do her any damage if its not kennel coff and I did that anyway would it?
  8. she does do it when shes on the lead, but she does it when shes just in the garden aswell
  9. does anyone elses dog coff and choak all the time? thanks
  10. naa its not catching on anythink because its got leathers on it
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