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Billy Warren

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Everything posted by Billy Warren

  1. My 1st dog daschunds x jrt pout back to a fell one of the best dogs I have owned the only thing rong with her se was to small for a digging dog had the hart but not the bone I lost her to ground out mooching by the time I got a spade to me it was to late she had to be pts I'd love to have her back in the pens any day of the week she was only 9 tts and get over a 6 ft fence lick a cat. She loved a mink and that was the best sport with her I had to keep a Chan sow in the van as she wood go. Up the in side of a hollow tree to get to them R.I.P bicth
  2. This is who I hat it's got to have remlap in it to go to ground. Yer remlap all out and out digging dog but there is still a lot of them that don't mack the grad yer it can be pout down to the owner I have got and bred Plummers with no remlap in them where it's close a nuth to matter, and thy fly to ground. And mack the fox bolt 3 out of 5 times. One of the boys I go out with has got a 10 year old Plummer. With out remlap in it the only finger is it's infertile so he went out a got a black dog it is now two and still won't go to ground and it's a nettle x wheeler bred so dus that mean all
  3. Iv got a w reg 1.6 petrol vectra mot till end of march no tax in good condition 07961786572
  4. All my plummers work to ground out of for dogs to go down and do the job. The other to have to prove there worth this season My plummers ant the hardest of dogs thay work for the bolt
  5. A old boy told me there ant a bad dog just a bad owner it's how you bring the dog on
  6. Iv been finding it hard this year with moving from London to south Yorkshire every job I have gone for I ant got as iv been over qwoified but been getting sum work throw agency's But [bANNED TEXT] iv been doing is bying log Brenner doing them up and tacking them back to London and getting top money for them not the easiest of work but good money in them if you know what one's are worth doing
  7. Get a bit of mesh and make it in to a cat flap ripe of thing so the rats get in the burn but can't get out then let the dog's in there
  8. Don't go to Eddie Chapman foxwarren for one as he don't work his dogs and they ant got a day's work in them his old stuff has but it's finding them is the trick finding one with the paper work as most of the men I know bred worker to worker and only breed when they need to
  9. pm me these lads names..i will no doubt know them Thay are from stanforth, thorn dunscroft and moorends
  10. he is from yorkshire , it was lucky he got it nearly right :laugh: no I moved up from London
  11. Wulf that is one of the resons I did not renow my member ship to the pta, every one gos on about we need to do this and that but when posh cums to shave know one is willing to do any thing. Then we all as members get the chanse to be herd and no one apart from me and the register ternt up to the a.g.m so who is the pont of being in a club where you get members that will do any thing in there power to help there souths and not the breed. I can still show my dogs and register the pups with out all the ball and if I do pout a out cross over one of me bicths I cant up set any one
  12. And when he went to get the dogs back thy had been pts as thy was marked up
  13. And when he went to get the dogs back thy had been pts as thy was marked up
  14. The rspca and police have taken over 10 ball cross's in the last week from Doncaster. Thy have been taken out of there pens Evan if no one was in the lady in the pet shop had them try to tack her ball x off her on the dangerous dog act she told them where to go. But the boy how had his dog tacken out of the pen had a letter stuck on his pen
  15. The rspca and police have taken over 10 ball cross's in the last week from Doncaster. Thy have been taken out of there pens Evan if no one was in the lady in the pet shop had them try to tack her ball x off her on the dangerous dog act she told them where to go. But the boy how had his dog tacken
  16. sorry wont let me post pic's have to be shown again
  17. we have had all tip's of terrier's so lets see sum plummer's and IF YOUR NOT A PLUMMER FAN DONT POST
  18. i have been out with all types of terrier's and have settled for plummer's as borders take to long cumming on 2 + but do make good dog's just a waiting game, lake's and black dog's to hard for there own good imo. jrt's sum good ones out there but a lot of gassy ones to. plummer's good nose and drive steady workers and have had them working from 4 months and will do a fox but that is just my opinion
  19. seen it on his phone and been out with 2 men ferreting plus a mate of mine has been offered good money for a bitch i bred when it beet the Epson chaperon at terrier raising
  20. there's a man on the isle of man that lamps his plummers and has 6/7 rabbits a night and i know a lot of people how use there plummer's as ferreting dog's so cant see y plummer cross wipes wont do the job there are plummers out there that go 16/17" tts imo that is the sort of plummer to do the cross with
  21. there's a pet shop in London and ferrets start at £200 and go up to £350 that was 3 years ago wood not wont to think how much thay are now
  22. so you wood not get moor problems if young people drunk a 10 year old molt than a pint thy dont know when to stop it's the same with cannabis dethrone strengths
  23. how was the white dog Brose from Peterbure bred as i'v been offer a pup out of him
  24. so will the pup's be 1/2 whippet 4/8 grey 2/8 deerhound 2/8 collie that is if the sir is 1/2 cross to 1/2 cross
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