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Billy Warren

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Everything posted by Billy Warren

  1. A.G has the most inbred line in plummers if you ask me a bit line blind have fun with the pup
  2. it's down to the vet but tell them the dog is the dad or brother to the bitch
  3. when we was doing 300 to 500 rats a week with 6 dogs we had to use to give them a jab if they sweld to much
  4. has any one try the ones from the u.s been looking at them but dont say if there any good to ground
  5. Iv got sum I'm in Doncaster send me a tx and I'll send you pic 07961786572. Size 7x4 £20 each
  6. I didn't know him but whot I have heard from a lot of ppl in the Plummer world sed he was a weird one and a bs with the story telling most of the storys are true but not dun by him that's why all the big terrier men of his time did't get on with him but how many authors only write about stuff that thay have dun and not pout abit of artistic talent in to there books As for the terriers he bred for ratting and went on to do a lot moor in the write hands
  7. To me the working stile comes from the dog teaching them
  8. Got mesh panels 7x4 £15 each Doncaster can't post pics but can send by phone 07961786572
  9. Get the 100 litter drums. Use them on there side mate had spaniels in them and running dogs
  10. Iv sed this before how many pats/fell dog out there workers,show and pet numbers we will nether know but we all know there's alot moor working/show pats that there are plummers in hole so there's going to be moor working black as thay have been moor established as a breed/type of terrier and the way Plummer went about it upsetting other established terrier men
  11. A friend has tacken him on for the time being
  12. I a bit sick I can't pout pics up as he's one nice looking dog just a bit big or he would macke a good show dog
  13. Ok then so what wood you call a dog that wood do the job but in the rong hands it's not the dog tout lol. I can see where you're coming from but think you're going to far with it there's working terriers and just terriers the same as colleys and working colleys
  14. I got the dog as a digging dog but ant seen a hole. [bANNED TEXT] I phoned the man ( how is the farm hand on my permission) to say the dog was no good to me as I had him on trial he did not won't to know he works rabbit well and is stock broke but can't tell you whot he is like with ferrets he's a nice steady dog any good with other dog's and kids
  15. Fell are moor harder dogs can do it all Plummers are moor brainy and got moor stamina thay will work fox given the chance thay don't come on as fast as a fell dus to ground but at the end of the day thay are both terriers and will both do the job is down to you to pout the time in to a dog to get the best out of it no matter the breed
  16. 4 year old dog working rat rabbit good with kids and other dogs can't pout pics up but can send by phone can see the dog work £100 Doncaster 07961686572
  17. Got a 4 year old lackey x Russell dog working rat rabbit £100 doncasyer 07961786572 '
  18. Still got him been meet about by a lot of people that are ment to be coming and don't turn up
  19. it all cums down to you if you like it get it if its to dear then its not good a nth for you
  20. id love a big dog but other hath wont have one
  21. Iv dug both the city fox can be a harder dig so you need a dog that will mack the bolt rather than hold there's one set that cums to mind it go's under the rode and a nother that go's under the footings of a block of flats. The big difronce is the running dog's as it's small parks and greens you need a dog with moor speed than any thing
  22. I can only keep for dog so when one is to old to keep up with the rest I will find it a home iv had to do this with to dogs in the past one is on a farm living out the rest of her life caching rats around the yard and the other is with a old man and has breakfast in bed eating better than I am t bone stack every Friday Sunday roster and sleeps on the bed. Yer I do miss both of them when out. But know thay are both getting a better life than I can give them Stuck in a pen only getting out as and when so yer move them on if thay are going to have a better life
  23. He works rat rabbit steady with other dog lives in and out, 15tts 4 year old He's no good to ground, I can't get pics up bupt can send them by tx Doncaster £100 07961786572
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