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Stuff Wit Teeth

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About Stuff Wit Teeth

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  • Birthday 29/12/1988

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  1. what i used to do is every time the dog made that stupid noise, used to go out and muzzle him for 10mins or so then take it off. Keeped doing that untill the dog realized when it made the noise it got muzzled. Took a few days but it shut up.
  2. Just sat down with a stella artois cidre, first time iv had it and its not to bad. Anyome on here drink it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stuff Wit Teeth

      Stuff Wit Teeth

      yeah it does make a change, its proper smooth, going down well

    3. jeppi26


      Think am going to crack a can of strongbow after talking about a drink lol

    4. Stuff Wit Teeth

      Stuff Wit Teeth

      good man! we deserve it.

  3. Cracking size fox mart, keep it up lad
  4. grch im not that way mate, but what ever floats your boat, and that pic of the girl aint fooling anyone
  5. Hey Dog men, gun men, ferret men and to all the hunters. Been into my dogs for 3 years now, so stll a novice in the sport of hunting. Iv got a little 7 month old patterdale, she red in colour, proper smart looking bitch. I used to have a 5/8 3/8 bull cross that was my 1st dog, loved hime to bits but had to get rid, but went to a good working home. Any how jused thought i'd tell you a little about myself cheers
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