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Everything posted by trappsy

  1. My ratting set up, little BSA lamp and laser, just the job.
  2. trappsy


    Its light, accurate, and a pleasure to use, in the words of airgunners Nigel Allen, If I could give this rifle the title of supergun I would. you wont regret it Duck.
  3. trappsy


    Youll get a back stock from Air Arms mate, here's mine my cheapest and best.
  4. It was a staffy, badly mauled a 9yr olds face in sunderland,owner has been let out on bail, thinkin of prosecuting him under the dangerous dogs act, you cant blame the dog these b*****ds antagonize em untill they are aggessive, ive seen plenty of staffies that are good with kids or anybody else for that matter.
  5. The best pellet without a doubt is the AA diabolo domed .22, and ive used em all, havin said that its a matter of preference, horses for courses and all that.
  6. Its gratifying to know that the last thing it ever sees is me!!
  7. the balistic experts will probably say im wrong, but if its a strong cross wind i just go to the next mildot wich ever way the wind is, seems to compensate for me, but at 20 yards you shouldnet have to much stray, you ought to be zeroing your scope at 30 yards tucker, you will find that its more acceptable for shooting rabbits, and not much difference between 20 and 40 yards to compensate too.
  8. Keep the scope up close to your eye and centred, or you will get distortion, you can buy a rubber eye piece to slot on the end of your scope, it stops glare wich causes distortion, only a coupla quid.
  9. sounds like a good deal mate, happy hunting.
  10. Yes mate let me know, interested how u get on, good luck.
  11. Hello mate, its all a matter of preference, cometas are nice guns, I used to take a fennix out, dont know much about the 300, but if u shop around u wont pay much more for a tactical and scope, got mine from target sports with scope £240 delivered, but of course no mail order now.
  12. I bought my tactical last year , with hawke eclipse 3X9X40 SCOPE, I have 2 pcps both in multishot, but I have to say my tactical is my favourite rifle, love the little gun, my mate cant understand why I leave my pcps at home and take the tactical on my shoot, easy! IM NOT SICK OF PLAYIN WITH IT LOL,Ive been hunting with air rifles since the 60s long before pcps were popular, from relum tornados to bsa airsporter to webley vulcan and on, but this little fella beats em all ( in my opinion) mind I have to say if im clearing rats or on a serious rabbit shoot I use the pcps, quicker and more accura
  13. Hello Ginge, yep thats what its all about mate, accuracy and confidence, theres a lot of conflicting opinion on here but if you keep within 30 - 35 yards with a head shot, ( about the size of a 50 pence piece behind the eye) you'll be ok, and as for stalking or waiting at runs or sets, thats just experience wich i'm sure you have. PS. now we will wait to hear from the lads that can knock a rabbit over at 50yards on the run with open sights in torrential rain, gale force winds, holding a flask of tea
  14. Ive been shooting rabbits for 40 years with air rifles Ginge, what gun have you bought?
  15. hello anthony, a cometa 220 comes in 12ft lbs mode, you will pick one up new for about £100, if not why not go for a second hand Webley, or BSA, at full power, Im sure you can pick one up scoped for around £150.
  16. trappsy

    Good Net Dog

    nice pic rolfe, looks like theres bedlington in him?
  17. trappsy

    air arms

    mind me asking why u want to swap?
  18. You are a brave man..try saying that on the Snaring, Trapping & Pest Control forum ...and then duck! the rat popultion in greater london alone is appx 8000.000 so if they know someting the home office does'nt, tell em to get in touch. im sure their ideas would be welcome.
  19. Shooting rats is all about sport, we can get as many as 30 a time on the pig farm, and im talking each, the best vermin controllers in the world have no idea how to irradicate rats so we havnt a chance, remember that even if you dont kill outright, and the others dont eat em, rats are haemophilliac so they will bleed to death anyway, and to answer your question, any multishot gun is best.
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