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Everything posted by BIG TOM

  1. Now that would be telling too much wouldn't it haha ?
  2. Haha gotta love em mate got the matching ones with deer and stags on too haha ?
  3. Hello there lads how we all doing been a bit quiete on my behalf again so my apologies but There is a few pics I've wanted to share with you A new lady in my life She's a .22 flavour (no surprise there then haha) And she's a BSA r10 and has been to Mr bowkett for a full blue print tune I've treated her to a Hawke airmax 30 sf 3-9-50 And I must so she is one of the nicest comfiest rifles I've yet to hold she really sits well for me So hopefully get out and show her the country and maybe even get a bit of action after hopefully many dates to come with this pretty lady Cheers all and
  4. I use these for jsbs exacts superb service and very quick delivery, you can spec everything, even the batch number I use both these pellets and if there not too bad price wouldn't mind getting them off him as the local rfd is useless if either of you wouldn't mind could you please maybe pass on the eBay username many thanks ??
  5. Nice one Mac mate glad your back in your stride ?? Unfotunatley I haven't been for a while and don't look like I'm gonna get out soon as we are cutting the silage here and am eating and sleeping in me tractor haha but on a plus the fields will be lovely and short when we've finished ??
  6. Cheers mate yes after having the first .177 97 I didn't think I'd ever have another in that cal but I thought give this one a chance and so far I'm glad I did but I will always be a die hard .22 nut hahaLook forward to see how you get on with the ps mate ??
  7. Cheers lads yes mate was on fb ??
  8. Hhaha yes mate I really do feel bad , NOT Well happy ??
  9. Cheers lads yes they are a great rifle and I'm not sure what the tune cost mate as bought it all ready done mate but as you see it I paid £300 ??
  10. Well I've gone and done it again Bought another new rifle This time a stunning hw 97 k and it's in .177 ? Please forgive me for I have sinned haha? Now I had a brand new one of these a few months back in .177 and bloody hated it and sold it with in a week But this one has been fully tuned and had the full works done and boy she's shooting well not all .177 are twangy useless ladies guns ? Well her she is on all her Beuty And I love it Cheers lads all the best Tom ??????
  11. Nice one mate glad she's back home with daddy ????
  12. Bloody horrible thing it is mate been fairly lucky down here touch wood there was a bit local but we've hope fully got it controlled last year as we've not seen any since a few lads totally killed of the one area we had it so hope fully that done the trick for now but I'm sure it will rise it head again as we can obviously never control it fully ?
  13. Exactly mate what else could you ask for ?
  14. Nice one again at least your out ?
  15. Haha I'm a big mean killing tree haha And welI thought it was a good looking tree ?
  16. This is a bit long winded so if you want to save yourselfs listening to me babble then there is 1 or 2 pics at the bottom but nout special cheers Well lads firstly well start with yesterday afternoon when I finished work it was a spur of the moment thing so decided to grab the new hw and just wearing what I was already in I went So considering I only had a few pellets and was dressed in a pair of light grey joggers and a black hoody with a pair of trainers I wasn't expecting the world Now living where I live I can work out my back door and more or less garante seeing a airrifle vermi
  17. Yes mate they are lovely and a local lad I know that just does them for himself and mates but I must say his work is superb ??
  18. Haha I keep it in my pants mate ??
  19. Will do mate nearly had a bunny with the last night but didn't bit of a story as why will post it up this evening when I finish work ?
  20. Cheers Mac mate I do like them ??
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