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Everything posted by BIG TOM

  1. Thanks very much mate
  2. Well as some of you may know I started a new job on Tuesday on a farm in the dairy milking cows Now the boss and owner of the farm is a very close friend of the family and also my main permission holder And yesterday he approached me asking if I'd be interested in an apprentiship 1 day a week in agri college and 4 days on the farm He also said he would put me through my driving licence and all machinery licences etc So am well happy and can't wait I will be in the dairy for a few weeks and then get our and do the rest so Weill happy Cheers Tom
  3. He means cut out some needles and equipment out of an old number plate mate But if your like me and not very DIY Buy some off the net place like agouti nets I believe sell them mate
  4. Well me names Tom and I'm a big lad so not really rocket science haha
  5. I asked this on here a while ago and your getting the same response and the same thing no it will never get lifted at least not in are life times A pitty really but again it doesn't stop the dogs retrieving game and slightly filling there potential ;)and of course the is always the humble rabbit Jmo Atb Tom
  6. Great Job mate looks the business
  7. Nice one mate good shooting And your right about the springers they are just something special
  8. Well lads not a lot to report atall as soon as I got to the location before I even get the gun out two bunnies pop out the hedge take one look at Rambo (me) and pop back in lol So get set up and sit and wait for a bit and a magpie shows his face and after abit if shuffling about to get a good position for a shot whack he goes down thanks to the and then the farmer shows his face and has a right old chin wag and as he dicides to finish its dark so go to look for the magpie and cant find him no where so off to get the ultra and lamp and have a go at the rats well a few show and I take a shot
  9. Haha see Camo does work lol And cheers mate
  10. Well I'm just loading up the gear and gonna hit the cow shed again this evening Taking both rifles and gonna use the till the dark comes and then the ultra with the lamp on for a bit I'd night shooting So whatch This space Atb
  11. Nice one mate great as always
  12. starting me new job tommorow roll on the pay checks haha

    1. foxtails


      brilliant job, good luck mate!

    2. GSkye


      Excellent news, all the best :D

    3. BIG TOM

      BIG TOM

      Brilliant cheers lads ;)

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  13. Haha thanks mac And yes mate first class it is only if you don't mind paying delivery as the prices have shot up haha Atvb Tom
  14. Thanks mate and yeah I do enjoy shooting the old girl takes Me back to when I was a nipper with my dad shooting the tin cans in the back garden
  15. Thanks mate and yes it is always nice to bag one
  16. Oh right and how much would that cost to do mate for future reference ?
  17. Thanks mate And yes it's non sticky tape only reason being is the bluing isn't great until I can get it done
  18. Thanks mate and yes it's nice to be rewarded
  19. Well after reading about macs news I thought bugger it in off out to get one So this ones for you mac mate Well grab the old girl again even tho these pcps are deadly accurate and don't miss a bear there is just some thing about the whack of a springer So the it was Well wandered up the back field and 30 seconds after I spot a nice big bunny he was huge well took the shot and miss well typical he's away in the hedge and then I noticed another just raising his head 3 yards behind the one that's just run so now after missing I had the distance sussed out and crack the old girl rings out h
  20. Cheers mick i just thought that i wud let every one know before they started asking where i was :laugh: atvbmacI just would of thought you'd gone in to a deep depression after getting rid of the crow sport haha
  21. Bloody hell mate sorry to hear that hope all is ok and get well soon Mrs Mac And keep us updated mate ill looking forward to hearing how's things are Atvb Tom
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