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Everything posted by BIG TOM

  1. So really your looking for a job or experience On a hunting site In the ferreting section where rabbits get so to speak "killed" No really animal care is it lol But good luck any way and hope some one helps may try animal care sites or in the general section
  2. A few of the pups this evening
  3. Give it a go mate if you can find someone close Personally I love it and will not stop as long as I can walk haha It's a great sport and you can start with close to nothing just a ferret and a few nets to get you going ask any questions you like and ill see if I can answer and be a help Atb Tom
  4. A link for the ferret wheel lads hope this helps http://www.gone2ground.co.uk/shop/article_FERWHEEL/FERRET-WHEEL.html?sessid=h8bXqwH3TuNYffFj4AYEU9wZWwIvREry1UQ8LqcC5la5VTiXLcLMPWV15KqOr9kL&shop_param=cid%3D20%26aid%3DFERWHEEL%26 Atb Tom
  5. Looking good mate it's great to see them running through the pipes
  6. A few of the pups out the back tonight
  7. Well I'm only starting out and loving it Hopefully In the future ill own a bigger farm with more land But I'm happy as it goes and I'm doing what I've always wanted and still plenty if time to do it hopefully So if I could do anything it what I'm doing now farming And wouldn't mind Gamekeeping
  8. That ties in with what I learnt over the weekend . It's the same sort of area and with two eye witness accounts. I know we have all the technology but the majority of farmers are over 60 and don't use camera phones and these are the people the that are out and about the most . I was shown pictures of carcasses which with big puncture wounds and the farmer reckoned nothing would touch the carcass after. The farmer reckons the government won't test the carcass for DNA because of the funding issue. Yes mate the farmer was nearly 90 and the son about 50 so not really into the gadgets and the
  9. To be honest mate a ferreting dog is trained by experience As long as the basics are there you can't go far wrong recall retreive stay and broken to all stock and ferrets Then just take the dog out as much as you can and it will learn for its self pop the ferret In and watch it happen the dog will soon learn that ferret in means rabbit out Atb and good luck Tom
  10. I know a family of farmers from Monmouth and the father and son both do a bit of lamping with the rifles and invite me and a mate up there now and again for the foxes they both swear blind they have seen a big black cat on seperate occasions So I don't know could well be
  11. Deffonatley mate it's good that lads are willing to help each other
  12. I thought it was a little wet lol
  13. Nice one mate a good offer that may help a dog out in need.
  14. Aha mine were fine mate the were playing with each other like bad haha
  15. Very nice mate and good luck for the future Look forward to reading about your days out
  16. Looking great mate can't wait to see them come on
  17. Getting to know the smell of the country side I don't know whether she prefers the smell of grass and bushes or the smell of a sweaty rabbiters foot haha
  18. There is always a lad On here catching a fair few bunnies with a black whippety thing haha
  19. Running dog addiction - Darcy World of the working terrier - Hardcombe Excellent condition £20 each PayPal only May swap what you got ?
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