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young man

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Everything posted by young man

  1. Anyone have dirt boot neoprene wellys? Thinking of getting a pair. Does any no the best boots on the market at the minute??
  2. There called ' hunt saboteurs ni ' C**ts
  3. Separate them as coming back to a dead dog is 1 serious kick in the balls. The pen walls if u deside to go seprate use very small mesh so the dogs cant get there paws threw it. Seen two jack russel the bitch pulled her sons leg of through the wire.
  4. my red fell bitch. Put this fox from cover n hunted it to a hole n dug it
  5. my little bitch bushed the fox fallowed it to ground and dug it. We dug into the dark. Shes done nothing but put a smile on my face
  6. Cheers lads . I have a terrier and shes dynimite bay on a hot scent of a fox but as soon as the fox goes to ground she straight in. Seen a spaniel bitch work and she broughtbthe hounds in deeper into the cover and roard her head off its just trying to get one
  7. Has anyone had or seen a cocker barking on fox (scent) and does anyone rate them? Was think of getting one. Or are spaniels better?
  8. Its not easy trying to find out whats the best to getor where to go. Would yous guys say a 3 quarter hound rather than a striaght half for hare?
  9. Cheers lads for the comments dont know if i will or not if there 300 ffs
  10. Does anyone own or seen any hancock dogs run a hare does anyone rate them??
  11. Try dropping a rabbit into a hedge hold her back for a second then let her go. But dont let her see u dropping it. Mabye that would make her click
  12. if theres a rabbit or a fox in a ditch or small bit of cover and my terrier gets a fresh draw well youd be better of talking to a tree. Also my bitch has a big problem with going to ground and theres no calling her out. So i was thinking of putting a cocker over her would the pups go to ground to?
  13. Clulight with good battery 50£ + postage
  14. Clulight with a good battery n charger 50£ + postage
  15. If its got it in it just bring her to ditches and winds bushes etc were you know rabbits are using just walk and let the dog sniff around n hopefully it will pick it up if it sees rabbits running in mabye it will go in after them and it always helps to get the dog out with experinced dogs and it will follow and pick it up atb
  16. personally, i'd be on my toes well before that and if it did injure me or inure or kill the dog id go get a gun and blow its brains out
  17. If im out in the feilds i mostly akways have a spade if a cow or any livestock tried to attack me or the dog id would rap it round the things head
  18. Put a coal bag or empty sand bag up the burrow with the front of it out pin the front of the bag at the hole and walkthe rabbits in
  19. My red bitch is ten inch dig fox all day. she has dug outher but she strugles just hasnt got the weight behind her i dont know how to upload a pic or else i would
  20. Deban tracer lamps are the way to go
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