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young man

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Everything posted by young man

  1. 7 year's. Yea ive couple of russles there and a patterdale. Your the one crying over a bit of craic on the thl not me. I don't need to bullshit lol
  2. Good at giving stick. Not so good taking it lol its the thl ffs
  3. I wouldn't know I've never tried it what? Digging terriers? Yea I gathered that you smart prick lol
  4. They way I look at it you can't drop out. Because if you were ever honestly in it , you can't get out of it. And I mean as in you might not keep terriers but when your out across the feilds you will still look for a earth n still ask about terriers and it will always be in your mind. This might sound drastic but I would think of it as terriers to me is like heroin to a smack head
  5. Sorry that souned a bit cheeky. Yes well I mean just take them a dander . Some people like to make things difficult. From my experience this season iv seen men that have the best of locaters , leads spades and terriers. And ive also seen men. That go out with a wooden graft . A peice of rope for a dog lead. A mk1 locater when they need it. And a terrier bred from worker to worker in there own circle. And to be honest the lads that don't make a big fuss. Are getting the results.. there dogs are in great condition and are dug to a few times a week. They are old school and it works for them.
  6. Imo I think it's nothing but crap. Put your terriers on a lead bring em for a walk or else bring them to a stream let them paddle about.
  7. Ive dug 100's of otters. With my bare hands
  8. bolted one from the earth at the blue bridge
  9. theres nothing to terrier work? Well if it was just that simple wouldn't it be great. Terrier work is very hard to get started before even getting a terrier id advise a season or two with experienced men that have a good knowledge and understanding of the game. Try your hardest to get into someone's gang but it can be hard especially the way things are going. Good luck and wish you all the best. Its great when ya get up and goingthe best way to learn is do it by your self. And there isnt a lot to know really is there. or have i just been doing to long im taking it for granted. if someone wa
  10. theres nothing to terrier work? Well if it was just that simple wouldn't it be great. Terrier work is very hard to get started before even getting a terrier id advise a season or two with experienced men that have a good knowledge and understanding of the game. Try your hardest to get into someone's gang but it can be hard especially the way things are going. Good luck and wish you all the best. Its great when ya get up and going
  11. They won't be kept together and any barking outa them id just scare them with the hose lol the problem is we don't bolt that many fox infact because theres so much cover around are the ares we like to hunt they very rarely be in holes. I should hopefully be able to get someone with hounds to bring me out a few times to show them the ropes. Would a terrier be any use for teaching it to search for a line?
  12. Yes I could get them out with working dogs. Should I show them a fox after a dig and should I walk them through cover or let go themselves? Iv heard about lamping a fox n calling it in and putting the hound onto the line??
  13. Hound x spaniels. We do a bit with terriers but nothing to serious. we have plenty of permission the cover we are wanting to do isnt to big so a few men with lurchers will be able to keep an eye on them. I was thinking of getting a dead fox but then its not going to be the same smell when there looking for them? Thanks for the replys
  14. Me and few of my hunting partners are interested in getting a few hounds. We are thinking of getting pups to train up over the summer months (hopefully ready for the season). But its first time we will have had them. Obviously in the summer months there isn't great wheather for a scent and the cubs don't have much of a scent so I am just wondering When's the best time to start pups. Whats the best way to start them. And what type of cover will be best to start them in. Thanks in advance for any reply
  15. he doesn't because he said even more so if there rouge foxes
  16. I was tought to bridge the hole. But now I always fill with just soil that was extracted then if its short dig a few sods n place them back over. The problem is with bridging the hole has already been stated but another more serious problem. So I was out for a dig one morning with my terrier dropped her in fox out. She stayed with another one. Pushed it up into a lovely we tight stop end that some absolute scumbag had bridged before so as we started to open the bitch went quite as we got deep we had quickly realised that the bridge had collapsed and suffocated my lovely little terrier.
  17. My thought on a bolter was a terrier that went in for 15 minutes got into the fox then came back out went back in done the same. In the first few times of the dog doing this. The fox would fly out? Just going on what people have told me. Anyone heard or seen tgis method?
  18. I can't see why people make it so technical Foxes are found in the strangest of places. Concrete pipes are a great spot for foxes . If I was going to construct one I would get some of the pipe dig a trench 3 ft deep in a Y sort of shape. Making 2 entrances and one blinder. Back fill it and leave it for a year
  19. I don't think Russells will ever die out. Like outher breeds going to waste. Russles will always have that fire in them. There nasty we buggers when they want to lol best little terriers about in my opinion even for guarding the house haha
  20. To work with the dogs you have I would suggest trying smaller bits of cover for rabbits. Until you get the chance to expand your pack.
  21. have seen a spaniel bitch work fox that had a lot of tounge when on a very fresh footing and her mother was a full spaniel also was a very good bitch but sometimes barked at rabbits. And have also seen a beagle x wheaton x lakeland. Very good bitch in cover lot of dog and put its fox or hare under pressure but she also wanted to dig the fox lol he has his mind set on a spaniel but hopefully I could convince him to go the spaniel beagle direction. Just hard to getthat cross?
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