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young man

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Everything posted by young man

  1. Cats are aloud to walk about or streets shit in gardens piss in gardens , make dogs bark and cuase havok, yet if are dogs were to go out and do that , we'd be brought to cort!? Is there any sence is this world!? So I say kill that cat and every outher u get your hands on becuse! If the law wasent such a stupid thing, it wouldent be broke!
  2. Yea mate its a shame as she was a cracker! Thanks,,
  3. Well came back from mourne lurcher n terrier show (great show ).. But anyway! Put the dogs and went down to see one of my we ferrets, a little polcat jill in kit to a eu.. Went down and lifted a dog crap and realised that she hadent cam out of the box.. Looked in the the nesting box and there she was.. Dead.... :( .. Don't understand what could of happind! She was bedded in wood shavings.. She had water.. And was fed the night before! I don't understand! Has anyone had a freaky one like this ! my first ferret got her when I was 12..she was only a year old! ..?? Any help??
  4. Utter f***ing vermin!! I'd of got the double barrle out or the dog or a hammer! Cats are scum of the earth! I need to red a few up round my nieghbour hood! I don't care what anyone says!
  5. unfortunately fiona.. My little polcat jill that me and chontelle were breeding at the minute has died was looking forward to bringing her and she was due her kits a few weeks after the show! .. But good luck and I think its a great idea!
  6. What a great show! With a great turnout! Had some criac! Well done kieran and the crew!
  7. bri ,hope you bring the beddies for the terrier racing...! or are they elite terriers??! haha elite terrier racing haha
  8. yea thats no probs then have to a smallish jump for him he's only young haha
  9. Good to hear! ur guna have one for the terrier race for sure anyway! Haha
  10. What is it ill have to do in this demo? I mean what will the dog have to do lol ??
  11. Terrier raceing is great fun! and I enjoy I say terrier race at every show if there is anough intrest?!
  12. Well I am 13 years old I have a saluki x whippet pup and I'm in the middle of training .. I've tought him sit , stay and retreive, jumping! Broke to ferrets and livestock! he's doing good! Just hope he makes they grade
  13. I liked the show and I enjoyed myself sure that's what its all about thanks barry
  14. Fs! Owl pussy ! If ur ferrets any good it will kill them ! So let them in
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