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young man

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Everything posted by young man

  1. I think the have to be prescribed by a doctor but not 100% sure
  2. you better belive it ian..after all. There could be some wildly attractive women at this show..
  3. Good luck with him.. Hope he works out!
  4. Respect the hot swollen hardworking, warm and confidence of the honest??? By any chance? Haha
  5. Naw lad not realy just lurchers n terrier folk around here
  6. I wouldent call the kind I do as bushing.. Well it is but its not serious.. Some stuff I do with friends from up the country we walk reed beds. For hares along moutians and hills. I can't take my terrier up there due to livestock.. The little patches of bramble and headge I do is let my terrier bitch off. My daddy on the right hand side with the beddy cross and me with the saluki whippet.. And whatever breaks each side we've it marked .. My terrier dosent make a sound so its not realy the best.. This season I hope to get out with men that work cover seriously with hounds , lurchers and whateve
  7. She's mad.. And cheers pal..
  8. She will and ha's gone to ground but I don't realy want her for that she's to big of chest ... Afraid of her suffolkating (if that's how you spell it) haha
  9. Yea she's a machine! Realy realy strong! She's just into the headge and go's and go's and dosent stop lol
  10. That's her in my profile my picture!27E3DF43
  11. I've a patterdale x staff she's 3 great busher but when she gets on a sent she just go's and go's and go's won't listen just as if she goes deaf! Dose anyone have any tips or wat to use like them collers? Or something? Or when doing cover just have plenty if people around her? Thanks...
  12. That's how a show should be ran.. Had a great day! well done. Made It look easy!
  13. any pics of boxes? got pics of coller not boxes?
  14. im going on thursday night desy (its liam T)
  15. thanks very much.. but im gunna get her off the same guy whobred her exalent ferrets gedroo8888 on hereshewas the best ferret ive ever seen work.. shame it alwayshappins to the goodens!
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