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Everything posted by 2Painless2btrue

  1. Selective Breeding is not Evolution. So, docile Wolves spontaineously lose their physical 'type' and diversify into the thousands of dog breeds that we recognize today, with never a throwback to the original Wolf- type in a litter? Give me a break! Something else was going on guys! If that type of mutation was normal then Wolf packs wouldn't be so uniform, they would be a motley crew! Why are we so arrogant as to think that the genetic engineering that we can do today wasn't available to OUR ancestors. Forget BHs aliens, we don't need them!
  2. Nice thread on pig DNA Skycat! I think that the sex drive is stronger in dogs than the drive to hunt. How did primitive man keep his bitch confined in a cave? 24 hour guard? I couldn't manage it! If Darwin was right, how did Neanderthal man who was stronger than us and had a bigger brain, die out to be replaced by us? Evolution? Survival of the fittest? It doesn't wash I'm afraid! It appears that the upper layers of the pyramids were cast concrete by the way.... good stuff too, far better than ours! easier than employing thousands of slaves to drag hewn blocks to the top! Check it out before
  3. Quite frankly, I don't know where to start! So much bull shit taught in schools and the students who absorb it the best and repeat it get the best exam marks and better paid jobs when they leave. Sad really! Simple brain washing if you ask me. It does hurt when your paradigm bubble gets popped so people resist it..... ridicule instead of discussion is normal.
  4. Have you looked up Cuviers CV? Impressive I thought! But suppressed by TPTB like so many things unfortunately. Yes Darwin was an amateur and no, my Grandfather wasn't a Physicist, he was a Docker. Don't know if he bred smart dogs! Where did you get Aliens and The Creator from? Cuvier was worried that he would upset the Church with his theories, which have masses of evidence to support them, unlike Darwin.
  5. I think any Wolf curious about primitive man would have had a spear up his jacksie! We've been taught mainly fairy tales in school. We don't have to believe it all and we don't stop learning when we leave TPTBs place of indoctrination. I thought lurcher men/women were free thinkers eg 'Feck the Ban'! Seems we may be more domesticated than our dogs! all in Sport , Painless
  6. Thanks people, for your open minds! For your information Cuvier was undeniably one of the greatest minds in Science. Darwin was an amateur! And No, I am not religeous or a cult member, or taking drugs, prescribed or otherwise. I'm impressed by Born Hunter, who took the trouble to google Cuvier.... Good Man! So we have at least one person not completely sleep walking! Out of interest Skycat (I loved your book by the way!), how do you propose primitive man picked their original 'docile' wolf cubs and then found other 'docile' types to mate them with? And during their breeding programmes, how did
  7. I agree that some Collies carry merle genes, either in a single or a double dose, My point is that the least we can do is publicise the danger in double dosing. Whippet 99 was adamant that even saying it is rubbish! If you are aware of the potential danger of putting 2 merles together coz you like the colour, you might be saved some heart-ache. As BS72 said, there are lots of merle lurchers around since they became fashionable in the 70s and 80s. The more there are, the greater the risk of putting 2 together in ignorance.
  8. Seems to me that you wouldn't parade a deaf or blind pup around, more likely not to be reared at all imo! It has been reported to be a problem by serious breeders in pedigree dogs so surely we should learn by their mistakes? Denying a potantial problem is crazy! I've seen ads that state "carries the merle gene" ffs!
  9. Hybrid vigour we all know about, but why not use a Collie that doesn't carry a potentially lethal gene? If it looks like Bull shit, smells like Bull shit it's usually Bull shit! Trouble is some people call it Bull shit when it's actually serious 'Shit'!
  10. Just google it and you'll see what damage it does in a variety of breeds. Be honest, many breeders are kennel blind and won't advertise health problems in their own breeding. The strength of a kennel lies as much in the dogs beneath the ground (culled!) as those above it! And don't think for one minute that someone hasn't tried breeding 2 merles together either, the fact that you never heard about it proves my point!
  11. It seems the majority of lurchermen and women are keen to improve their stock, travelling miles to use the best stud dogs. Speed, stamina, drive, brains, feet etc are all important. Breeding "the best to the best" is trotted out time and time again, That being the case, why would anyone in their right mind want to use a dog carrying the Merle gene which can cause deafness, blindness, sterility and even dead pups? Is it just coz Brian Plummer wrote about one, and David Hancock seems to favour them? Whatever happened to the old adage "a good dog can't be a bad colour"? Any thoughts anyone?
  12. Natural Evolution is an unproven theory after 150+ years of digging for "missing links" that remain missing! Selective Breeding and genetic manipulation are both proven. Darwin is lauded, while a true genius of the time, Baron George Cuvier is ignored! Running dogs have many cat-like qualities and imo were probably created in a lab sometime before the last cataclysm. Do you honestly think primitive man bred something as perfect as a Greyhound from common stock? 30,000 years ago Neanderthals were running the kennels with no means of keeping camp dogs separate, so no selective breeding! That's i
  13. IMO the "forced retriever" is more likely to be hard mouthed. I don't like that on rabbits but I know plenty of people don't seem to mind. In my experience, a reluctant retriever can respond well to competition from a trained dog if it's done carefully. I agree that it can work against you just as well! Konrad Most could train just about any dog, of any age, to retrieve so the method must be sound. I saw one of his photos of a GSD scaling an 8+ foot wall with a 11/2lb revolver in its mouth.... VERY impressive!
  14. I've a 3/4 Whippet bitch, 21" tts with 1/8 Collie and 1/8 Bedlington. Brilliant nature, born hunter and biddable with it. Easier to train than some Trial bred Springers I've had! Just as good a nose too! Smooth coat makes her love the Aga this time of year but she makes so much heat when she runs that losing body heat fast helps her recovery. I don't find her thin skinned and there's nothing delicate about her at all, feels like a coiled spring under your hands, in fact 'Zebberdee' would have been a good name if she was a dog! In time I'd like to put her to a Grew, anybody know of any good un
  15. Dont think thats right - a lot of dogs bites happen because theres something wrong I.E the dog could be in pain and a child pulls it around a lot of dogs give warnings first most often these are ignored and ignored and ignored, so the only way the dog can get through to anyone is to bite. I have a dog hear that has bitten - she came in to rescue after being found wondering with a shatterd leg - that was full of pellets, she bit the vet, the vet deemed her agressive and demanded she was pts, luckly for her the rescue and dog warden faught(sp) to save her life, she is the most lovable do
  16. Nice looking dog! What weight and tts is he, if you dont mind me asking? atb
  17. Looks like classic "Queen Annes Legs" to me. Genetic tendency, so I agree, even if you can correct it (which I doubt!), then don't be tempted to breed from her later on. Definitely cut back on the protein, but I don't think calcium is a problem unless there's too little of it. Got to keep pups, lean but not starve em while the weight bearing bones are growing, have you ever seen Broiler chickens go off their legs on high protein foods? That's an extreme example of too rapid weight gain before the bone matures. Good luck with your GENTLE weight loss programme, I hope you turn it around.
  18. Some dogs can be lethal around sheep and almost impossible to steady. We want a high prey drive, but case- hardening of a strong, dominent type dog by inappropriate or mis-timed punishment by a poor, weak handler can't be corrected by an e-collar. Despite the claims of the RSPCA, the kick it gives is nothing to a dog with it's dander up! I once saw a Springer running in on a Pheasant being 'corrected' by a collar, what a joke! It didn't bother him except to make him chase harder! A more sensitive dog might respond, but why take on a problem? atb if you do decide to give the dog a chance mate.
  19. All down to the breeding I'd say. We've all seen small Jacks do the job pre-ban, so a game Whippet could be efficient. All down to instinct and courage surely? If it's not in the dog it won't do the job, regardless of breed.
  20. I've been thinking about the possible advantages of bringing a Galgos stud dog over to the UK. Apparently the way they treat them in Spain is terrible, but then the Spanish are hard on stock generally eg Donkeys, Bulls etc. Hard selection does produce results, however, so I imagine that a good Galgos running to horses as many do must be something special!
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