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Everything posted by 2Painless2btrue

  1. Don't be so f-cking patronising! TPTB suppress enough without the few of us who've done the research staying tight-lipped! I haven't sucked anyone in and I totally respect the 'man in the bar' with an open mind! Most people are in a trance state due to television corrupting their thinking and a discussion like this brings facts into the open so people can have access to information. Why would you want to keep it from them? Nobody needs protecting from the truth!
  2. Hi Sherlock, it's called the THEORY of Evolution coz it's unproven and take it from me, they are trying to prove it! Regarding the choices you are giving me for an alternative, all I will say is, there HAS to be one but it's not necessarily an either/or. Both of your options are dogma and I'm a free thinker! I was raised not to believe everything I'm told & only 1/2 of [bANNED TEXT] I see..... even less these days with photoshop etc! There have been some intelligent contributions to this thread, including yours, despite some mindless mockers. "There are none so blind as those who will not
  3. I like your reasoning Tyla! I've never said that it wasn't possible and it's probably exactly what happened with Spitz breeds like the Husky. The Sighthound types are so different in head shape as well as leg & back length, and so free of genetic problems that they FEEL like something special to me. That and the fact that they appear to have been around virtually unchanged since the first recognisable depictions of dogs in pre-history. I don't see why the idea of distinct canine Races is so difficult to accept. Wolf, Sighthound, Dingo etc.. Obviously they can inter-breed, as can the diffe
  4. These are just examples of biological variation. The resistant rats, rabbits,head lice haven't evolved into a different physical form from the ones that were killed. Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands and noted different species living there, so what, we could say the same about Australia! As for the Flamingos, it's news to me but I'll look into it..... that might be an embarrassment to me! Sherlock, I still think you're a teacher! all in sport , Painless
  5. The idea of tying weights to things to lengthen em is definitely proven! A mate of mine was intent on increasing the length of his Manhood. He tied the weight from a sash window to it and slotted it down his trouser leg. After 3 days I asked him how it was going. He sed "I think it's started working coz it's definite going black!"
  6. DNA sequencing has 'proved' that modern man 'came out of Africa'! All the dominant genes for dark skin miraculously disappeared and left white Caucasians in Northern Europe! Get a grip ffs! Just coz that's [bANNED TEXT] we're told doesn't make it true! Most of modern genetics is just make believe.... like the cancer gene or the gene for crowded teeth. where did these COMMON genes come from if our ancestors didn't have them?
  7. i dont think the caveman gave a flying f.. were the dogs came from origionally or the egyptians as long as they filled the pot he was happy ......wonder if they had bull x,s or beddy whippets ,, then ?or did they just drop out of the sky? I don't pretend to have all the answers but I'm just amazed that no one seems to question the official line. Mad I might be but if the rest of the population are 'sane' that's ok with me! Google is a 'for profit' corporation. When you google something, the first sites offered to you are sponsored ie someone is PAYING so that you read them first! FACT
  8. They took longer than a life time to build, or so we're told. Arabic writings say that a King Saurid comissioned the Great Pyramid at Giza as a refuge to withstand the flood. A place to safeguard the best of their civilisation. Almost solid reinforced concrete construction with a sump and internal pump, most likely. "Design is dictated by function". I reckon the sloping sides were designed to with stand a wall of water. The original entrance is 59 feet above ground level, not easy to access but handy if the surrounding land was under water and you've got a boat...... or a Helicopter ( thanks B
  9. i dont think the caveman gave a flying f.. were the dogs came from origionally or the egyptians as long as they filled the pot he was happy ......wonder if they had bull x,s or beddy whippets ,, then ?or did they just drop out of the sky? I don't pretend to have all the answers but I'm just amazed that no one seems to question the official line. Mad I might be but if the rest of the population are 'sane' that's ok with me! Google is a 'for profit' corporation. When you google something, the first sites offered to you are sponsored ie someone is PAYING so that you read them first! FACT
  10. i dont think the caveman gave a flying f.. were the dogs came from origionally or the egyptians as long as they filled the pot he was happy ......wonder if they had bull x,s or beddy whippets ,, then ?or did they just drop out of the sky? I don't pretend to have all the answers but I'm just amazed that no one seems to question the official line. Mad I might be but if the rest of the population are 'sane' that's ok with me! Google is a 'for profit' corporation. When you google something, the first sites offered to you are sponsored ie someone is PAYING so that you read them first! FACT
  11. i dont think the caveman gave a flying f.. were the dogs came from origionally or the egyptians as long as they filled the pot he was happy ......wonder if they had bull x,s or beddy whippets ,, then ?or did they just drop out of the sky? I don't pretend to have all the answers but I'm just amazed that no one seems to question the official line. Mad I might be but if the rest of the population are 'sane' that's ok with me! Google is a 'for profit' corporation. When you google something, the first sites offered to you are sponsored ie someone is PAYING so that you read them first! FACT
  12. Formidable Skycat! Have you ever asked yourself why anyone would want to live in a cave? Cold, damp, dark holes that they are! Light a fire and smoke yourself out! Yet everyone accepts we had 'Caveman' ancestors. Also, cave art is hardly George Stubbs or Charles Tunnicliffe is it? I wouldn't like to try and draw too many conclusions from it. However, I like your logic. I don't think my bitches would stand still to have their vulva stapled, by the way! But I digress! Have you ever considered that the Classification of Canines might be incomplete! At the moment it stops at 'Species'. If you loo
  13. My point is that the EARLIEST depictions of dogs are of Running dogs! Look at the Egyptians, who by the way also depict domesticated hunting Cheetahs. These cats are the feline equivalent of the Greyhound ie cats with canine characteristics! Seems likely to me that wild Cheetahs are actually feral domesticated stock. Ask yourself What if I'm right? Mind blowing possibilities! If I'm right, then other domestic dogs may actually decended from wild outcrosses to the original running dogs..... the opposite of evolution if you ask me! BTW Darwins second book was called 'The Descent of Man'. Maybe
  14. Yep! I believe it's a case of the Emperors new clothes! Everybody can see it so it must be true! Sorry, if the best evidence you can present for Evolution is a sooty moth then the Emperor is naked! Where are the chimps who Darwin reckons are evolving into Humans? Or did they just stop evolving? Shame that coz that would have been irrefutable evidence.... This thread originated with the remains of a 4000 year old running dog in Egypt. Someone mentioned a Whippet type running dog buried at Stonehenge which was built up to 12,000 years ago! By the way, who built Stonehenge....? Pre-History or Pre
  15. Sherlock, are nyou a Teacher by any chance?
  16. I'm purposely being inflammatory as I accept Micro-evolution by natural selection eg silver moths on sooty bark. Thats a long way away from Wolf to domestic dog. The running dog is perfection in motion in my eyes, the perfect hunting machine. By your logic it should have evolved naturally.....Survival of the fittest? Does anybody claim it happened by accident? I'm not dogmatic, I'm the one asking questions. Just demonstrate a realistic way that primitive man could have run a breeding programme without any way of keeping his bitches secure from stray dogs. I grew up with packs of dogs chasing a
  17. Just coz I'm Paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after me! Joke!!!I didn't know that Icke talks about this stuff, I came across it when I was defending myself in court against a speeding fine! Bought a copy of Blacks Law Dictionary.... you wouldn't believe how we've been misled! Not Conspiracy Theory but fact!! He sounds like he might be worth a read then, I DO have an open mind, how about you?
  18. Take it your a fan of David Icke??? No I'm not, the Guy is very bitter and it shows! It offends me when we are served up obvious bull shit time and time again until we believe it. If you don't believe you are property, google CAPITA DIMINUTIO MAXIMA then check out your driving licence, credit cards, utility bills, tax demands etc.... it's not pleasant
  19. We don't even have the same number of pairs of chromasomes as chimps or any other primate. They have 24 I believe and humans have only 23! It's hardly likely that we evolved from them coz we would have had to lose a pair of chromasomes! I know I'm forgetful but.....!
  20. I used the term 'Brain washing' earlier..... You bet your life we are... from birth! As to BH's suggestion of taking medication, most of us need a wake up pill! DogFox, some butterflies have wings that look like eyes, others look like leaves etc to fool Predators. I'm saying that they were always like that! Colour changes in moths is nothing, just natural variation. If the Man TPTB) had better examples of Evolution, why would he give you such a crap one as moths changing colour? Its coz they have NO GOOD EXAMPLES so they are grasping at straws in desperation! Think about it!
  21. There is evidence of evolution in our own country, before the industrial revolution the peppered moth was usually light coloured, dark specimens were very rare and were collectors items. During the industrial revolution Soot, smoke and other industrial wastes darkened trees and killed off lichens. The light coloured moths became very rare whereas the dark coloured moths became abundant, this is evidence of rapid evolution! I agree that this is Selection at work. Birds picked off the silver moths that stood out on sooty tree bark. You could call this 'Micro Evolution'. Show me an examp
  22. It all depends how you were schooled. We use conditioning on our dogs.... we train them to do our bidding... we are subject to the same conditioning in our own lives! Charles Fort said "The World is a farm and we are property!" I'm nobody's property and I'm not quite domesticated yet! What about you? I like to see a bit of spirit in my dogs, a Spaniel that pegs game for instance! Unfortunately Schools, the Media and the Police make most people think a certain way...... it's a trance state! Lurcher boys stick 2 fingers up to the man on a regular basis so why believe everything the man tells us?
  23. Einstein said "If the facts don't fit your theory, change the facts!" So you discard the evidence as a hoax coz it doesn't fit your theory...... Sound! I repeat THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT DARWINS THEORY! And they've had 150 years of digging in the ground to find it! There would be thousands of missing links if he was right! You need to look at OOPARTS ( Out Of Place Artifacts) if you need evidence that we are only now regaining our Technologies! 100 years ago Steam was state of the Art. Name calling won't win an argument BH. F-ck knows where we came from but maybe we can answer some of th
  24. Check out Charles P Hapgoods 'Path of the Poles', a cracking read describing evidence of Global Cataclysm in recent times.... it's what made the Mammoth extinct! Wooley Rhinocerous, sabre toothed Tiger etc, etc, as well! Another of his books 'Maps of the Great Sea Kings' shows evidence of ancient maps drawn BEFORE Antarctica was frozen, which are satellite imagery! Open your mind and look at the evidence before you scoff! all in sport Painless
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