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About dannyevans1990

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 14/05/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Wales
  • Interests
    cars,mma,hunting,being a dad :)

    Collie greyhound X Whippet

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  1. its only to sleep in in the nights its in the garden most of the day mate I have a patio so easy cleaning thanks
  2. haha that's a gd un mate didn click on at first lol,shes half nuttal so hopefully have sum fire in her belly once she comes of age
  3. no sarkey comments about her belly she hadent long had food lol
  4. I have searched for them on here only found about 4-5 pics of them and was wondering have any of you work them that could chuck few pictures up,heres my 8wk old patt x lakey
  5. don't enter a terrier uintill its atleast 14month old take them to watch a few digs ect so they no whats expected then they should go in once they are ready
  6. that's a good one watchdog thin k ill go for similar to this as I have a brick shed so could use this thanks
  7. thanks lads sum good ideas!@ onlywork matters only locked there in the nights b runnin in my garden most of the day mate
  8. thanks joe will do naw thanks zilverhaze but I fancy a bash at makin one mate
  9. sum photos of your kennels where you keep your terriers please lads,want to build something but unsure haw big ect it should be,thanks
  10. thanks all comments very helpfull diddnt realise it would be anything to do with police ect think ill stick to my air gun as my police past ent to good and will get refused,cheers guys happy hunting
  11. what no tidy ish air rifel will take it down?haw would i go about looking into gettin a rifel?cheers for comment
  12. hi guys,ive got a webley stingray.22 at the moment to get me started but i have been offerd a possible bit of permission for lamping fox with gun,friend dad having a few problems recently,im looking for a decent gun to take them down humanely,im not looking for a top of the range gun with worth 1000 plus just a decent gun what does the job and possibly sum websites if you could,thanks
  13. sure budget vets up blackwood or the vets in blackwood town do it bobb
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