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Everything posted by Crackers

  1. Crackers


    That’s why sit in me cab at brew lol ? that’s more to do with me been unsociable tho ?
  2. Crackers


    Like I said it’s an art form driving dozers ??
  3. Crackers


    It’s an art to drive one properly.... but earn that money on any site now driving machines.... our dumper driver/labourer on 180
  4. Crackers


    Certain people seem to be immune tho ?? or like you say think they are...
  5. Crackers


    Disappeared??? ? was a pissed up idiot that admitted to pinching dogs what can you say to that ? guy clearly not all there... jim does get out and get the numbers no denying that he’s at it all time take my hat off to the man...we all could if didn’t have to work.... I’ve no issues with him just got boring and when decent threads went on and the site was getting going it crashed drastically after the pics ended up where they shouldn’t....
  6. Crackers


    Ferreting not my thing.... but have seen videos of you and your dog ferreting ?
  7. Crackers


    ?? didn’t have to ask he asked me ?
  8. Crackers


    I wouldn’t say so some people get bored of the same shit day in day out., and when decent topics and post go up antis all over them using pictures etc but others can put certain pics up ( with their faces on) without any worry, ?? was just an observation that makes the mind wonder ,????
  9. Crackers


    King don’t know weather you trying start an argument or not??? Are you?
  10. Crackers


    I know lads on here doing 3456 foxes a night other lads doing same deer with a gun are they NOT LIVING THE DREAM because they don’t post it all ??? ?
  11. Crackers


    Do you live that dream???
  12. Crackers


    Correct that’s why I never post no pics.... not that I feel the need to share!!! Some people want fame others don’t i get you ???
  13. Crackers


    Not at all... or I’d post shite pics the same as him lol hopefully get a pat in back as well ?
  14. Crackers


    Think you mistaken me for jim and his merry men ?
  15. Crackers


    Yeh!!!! Same as you because you couldn’t get in there ?
  16. Crackers


    Yeh well done jim nice one jim 50 rabbits jim. “ jim to old for this” to cold” to many miles” “body giving up” SHEEP nice one jim you the man jim wish I could wank you off jim lol same shit different day we went on there made it more lively wasn’t appreciated lol because certain members threatened to leave because we was there lol now they getting same shit jim pics of nets a f***ing COLLIE SOME OLD c**ts and pic at end with catch!!! SAME SHIT OR SAME PICS DIFFERENT DAY ??
  17. Crackers


    Mickey one of them lol
  18. Crackers


    No... why would it??? Someone that says they are ?? admitted it was them when it wasn’t for some really strange reason that no one gets...? Why would you say something so stupid?
  19. Crackers


    Pissed up attention seeking
  20. Crackers


    Was in bed early ? missed all the fun ?
  21. Crackers


    No that’s not a man admitted it lol lol I should be a detective lol behave lol plain to see
  22. Crackers


    You lot would on moochers snitching rats ?
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