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Toni Fitz

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Everything posted by Toni Fitz

  1. any intresed in pupps 150

  2. bull xsluiky grey grey hound pupps 100

  3. bullx sliuky pupps if any 1 intrested 100

  4. bullx sluky pupps 100 if any intrested

  5. bullx sluky pupps 100 pound if any intrested

  6. call me mate i have the dog u mite be in trested in 07874671955
  7. any 1 intrested in working dog full quory

  8. full working dogs ant 1 intrested

  9. any 1 in trested and got suliky grey hound all q

    1. Toni Fitz

      Toni Fitz

      call me on 07874671955

  10. bull grey hound 3 all quorry

  11. any 1 intrested in already working dog and puups

  12. any in trested in my pupps bull x suliky

  13. any in trested in my pupps

  14. got the dog ur after and will take u for trile bull grey hound everthink works great 07874671955
  15. got 10 week old pupps suliky grey h x bull grey hounds 0787671955
  16. ye mate but i want good money for it lovely dog works great and will take u for a trile with it
  17. suliky grey hound x bull grey hound pupps 9 weeks old if any 1 intrested

  18. any 1 after lucher pupps

  19. slukyx bull gray hound any 1 intrested

  20. lucher pupps 9 weeks old any 1 after them

    1. Toni Fitz

      Toni Fitz

      slukyxbullgray hounds

    2. Toni Fitz
  21. lucher pupps needing home any 1 intrested

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