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Everything posted by BGD

  1. The only view I've given in this thread is that the folk effected should get whatever help they need and that it was most likely caused by the cladding, hardly political points
  2. His out of control mutt chased everyone away, that's why he's off to drown it in the sea in the first pic
  3. It's just the decent, human thing to do. Can't believe anyone would actually object to it
  4. Whole blocks of empty flats owned by foreign investors in that area.
  5. What immediate need for money did the victims of 7/7 have? Were they left with no house, clothes or belongings? That's the only reason funds have been made available so quick on this case.
  6. He'll still be your MP ant, he's resigned as party leader but is still a LibDem MP.
  7. No, the 7/7 victims didn't get £5million. They got £11million. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10491295
  8. You were whining that the survivors of this fire have had £5 million made available for immediate help, things like clothes, food and shelter. Something the victims of those terror attacks didn't need. I didn't say they were suffering more or less just that their immediate needs are different. How would money have helped the victims in the immediate aftermath of terror attacks? They had different needs which were catered for, just like the needs of these victims are being catered for.
  9. Congratulations on being a fecking scum bag I guess?
  10. Did those victims of terrorism lose their homes and all their belongings? I must of missed that, how terrible Oh wait, they didn't? Well it's not really comparable then is it soft lad.
  11. Stone the crows where's that silly face that bangs its head against the wall.......that's the whole point im making man is it beyond possibility that experts will say what they are told to say and not what actually happened......the difference between an inquest and a public inquiry. Having a conversation with you is like trying to explain the offside rule to a woman where 4 hours after you started she says " so what way are they kicking then " Hang about, what way are they kicking?
  12. Tape recorder next time would be good We've seen almost the exact same scenario happen with this type of cladding in other countries so I'm not sure why he's so sure it's not possible that's what happened here. Certainly every expert I've seen weigh in on the subject has put it down to the cladding.
  13. Do you have experience as a firefighter or fire risk assessment......i dont.....so i think i'll go on the opinion of somebody who does thanks.I don't really understand what your pal with all his experience is trying to say TBH, I mean we all saw the cladding burn with our own eyes and there's been cases in many other countries of the same type of cladding causing fire to spread in the same way. It's got nothing to do with whether the fire was started by arson or not, no one is saying the cladding was the cause of the fire itself just that it allowed it to spread in the way it did. I didn't kn
  14. Do you have experience as a firefighter or fire risk assessment......i dont.....so i think i'll go on the opinion of somebody who does thanks. I don't really understand what your pal with all his experience is trying to say TBH, I mean we all saw the cladding burn with our own eyes and there's been cases in many other countries of the same type of cladding causing fire to spread in the same way. It's got nothing to do with whether the fire was started by arson or not, no one is saying the cladding was the cause of the fire itself just that it allowed it to spread in the way it did.
  15. Even if the original cause of the fire was arson you could literally watch the fire spread up the cladding in the same way as other fires that have happened around the world so I'm not sure how the "whole cladding thing is a load of bollocks"
  16. Grenfell Tower: Using fire-resistant cladding on Kensington block 'would have cost £5,000 extra' http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/grenfell-tower-fire-resistant-cladding-kensington-inquiry-latest-reynobond-london-a7792781.html
  17. FFS give it a rest! That salmon looks perfect pal
  18. Can't believe you fell for such an obvious marketing campaign PMSL Just goes to show folk will believe anything as long as it confirms their already held biases.
  19. Personally I think this whole "scandal" has been totally manufactured as an excuse to force Farron out after a dismal election performance. It's not like his views on gays are a new thing, everyone has known about them for years and to be fair on him he's never let his personal views on the subject effect how he votes, I mean he voted in favour of gay marriage hardly the actions of a raging homophobe!
  20. I was actually talking about Sadiq, he's always supported gay rights and made that a big part of his Mayoral campaign. He was asked the same sorts of questions as Farron but because he didn't dodge the questions and gave the "right" answers the press moved on and he got a lot of support from the gay community.
  21. Theresa May's chief of staff 'sat on' report warning high-rise blocks like Grenfell Tower were vulnerable to fire http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/theresa-mays-chief-staff-sat-10620357
  22. Wasn't there a similar fire in a tower block in Australia or somewhere that was caused by flammable cladding? Wonder if it was the same stuff... Just Googled and looks like that's already been picked up by the papers https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/jun/15/cladding-in-2014-melbourne-high-rise-blaze-also-used-in-grenfell-tower
  23. Not as triggered as I am when I hear Mr f***ing Tumble ! I have to sit through it with my youngest grandkids - drives me up the wall. (But I suppose it's not aimed at fat, balding, 50 something right wingers !) I bet Mr Tumble will be gutted to hear he's not reaching that particular demographic pal! I can't believe he's still going, sure I remember him being on the TV when my niece was a baby and she's 13 now.
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