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Everything posted by BGD

  1. What's the difference then?
  2. It's a problem across the whole political spectrum, I never said otherwise.
  3. But folk on here call for terrorists who are British citizens and were born here to be deported so surely a terrorist who wasn't even born here should definitely be deported?
  4. Yeah they'd be unintentionally homeless and the local authority would have a duty of care and have to home them at least temporarily.
  5. Apparently this particular scumbag terrorist was born in Singapore, him and his entire extended family should definitely be deported and anyone who disagrees is clearly a terrorist sympathiser http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/06/19/suspect-behind-finsbury-park-mosque-attack/
  6. Some folk just want to shut themselves off in an echo chamber where their views are never challenged, sad really.
  7. Grenfell victims are sleeping in cars and parks, says Kensington MP http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/06/20/grenfell-victims-sleeping-cars-parks-says-kensington-mp/
  8. Nah they're all right, I'm an undercover journo and also head of internet investigations at the RSPCA
  9. he can't, how can he talk with a mouthful of Diane Abbotts cockI was hoping he could get a word in after it climaxed lol Once she removes the ballgag I don't shut up about hunting! Seriously though hunting doesn't come up much but when it does I make my views clear and argue my corner, I've even managed to change a few minds over the years
  10. ISIS try and take responsibility for everything, they claimed responsibility for an armed robbery in Manila because initial reports said it was a terror attack
  11. Play your cards right and you might just get an invite to the next Marxist orgy with me, Jezza and Diane
  12. Hero Finsbury Park mosque imam describes stopping terror suspect from being attacked by angry 'mob' http://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/finsbury-park-mosque-attack-hero-imam-describes-protecting-terror-suspect-from-angry-crowd-a3568291.html Imam of the mosque proving he's a better man than most posting in this thread
  13. You just want to get back to discussing your sick fantasies involving me and Diane Abbott You're one sick puppy BB :no:
  14. Congratulations on demonstrating that you had no idea what I meant when I said they weight the results you fecking doughnut :laugh:
  15. Yeah, that's why they weight the results to make it more representative of the British public...
  16. No refugees come into the country unvetted and I've never seen Corbyn say he wants to change that so I've no idea what you're blethering about. Personally I think we should do our bit to help out considering the instability in the region is in part down to us. Whether that help is in the form of funding safe zones close to their country of origin or taking in refugees or a mixture of the two I don't really care.
  17. that would depend on were you got your stats from ?? There is no source with your survey You're right I meant to include the source in my post but must have forgot. https://yougov.co.uk/opi/surveys/results#/survey/c9858cf0-527a-11e7-86f0-4e52bfafa255/question/f7a01240-527a-11e7-bfce-be36d6dc7ab1/toplines There it is
  18. I guess 59% of the British public are "land grabbing theiving commies" too
  19. f**k me now that is perfection! Got my mouth watering here I take my hat off to you pal
  20. Talking of Enoch a friend of mine was elected as MP in his old seat on June 8th. http://metro.co.uk/2017/06/11/west-midlands-first-black-mp-wins-enoch-powells-old-safe-seat-6701236/ The first black MP to be elected in the West Midlands
  21. He was talking about land banked properties owned by rich investors and left standing empty, not property that's on the rental market. It's like you don't even bother to read the policy proposals you knee jerk against, maybe try relying less on tabloid headlines Oh and over 50% of the British public agree with Corbyn's proposal
  22. So over 40% of the country doesn't have Britain at heart? Oh dear, looks like the jobs fecked then.
  23. I didn't support Labour under Blair for many reasons the Iraq war being one of them. I support Labour lead by a bloke who lead the protests against the Iraq war I was there that day too, were you?
  24. Oh, I definitely meant impotent
  25. Haha,but he wasn't and he done what he set out to do so stick that in ye spliff and lung it hahahaHe set out to "kill all Muslims" and according to reports there was only one death, I don't think he achieved what he set out to do Still he'll have plenty of time to think on that while he's banged up You epitomise all that I despise .You want to to be British but knock every attempt to stick up for it .You seem to relish in our oppressors victories.I'll "knock" anyone killing and injuring innocent folk on the street because I'm not a fecking scumbag.Carry on sitting behind your computer cheerin
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